Monday 19 September 2016

Blogtember day 18: Products That Simplify My Life

Hi Honeys
Back again for day eighteen of the Blogtember Challenge, a fabulous link up organized by the lovely Bailey Jean of Brave Love Blog.

Blogtember is a fun opportunity for bloggers to challenge themselves to post every day for a whole month, Bailey Jean has even provided writing prompts for each day (which you can read here.)

Blogtember Day 18

Today's prompt: One product that simplifies your life..

There are so many products surrounding us everyday that we take for granted but that exist purely to make our lives easier.  No prizes, if you know me even a teeny tiny bit, which product is my favourite :)  Where would I be without my washing machine?

Greatest product ever challenge - well it has to be my washing machine!

I'll share a smile dear ones, on the day our current washing machine was delivered by Argos the delivery man wheeled it into the kitchen on a trolley type thingie and asked me if I'd like a minute before he took our old one away "I know what you women are like with your washers" he said. Adding that he'd just delivered a washer to one lady who was upset as he took her old one away.

I know what you're probably thinking honeys.  The sexist git! How dare he think all women's lives are so empty that we become so attached to what is after all only a machine, a device to save time and labour over an everyday homemaking task.   The thing is honeys, when my washer died on me after over eight years of faithful service, I was bereft! It felt like we'd had an actual bereavement in the family!

Furthermore, I know I'm not alone!  Far more than just the lady cited by the deliveryman, at work I've heard both co-workers and customers bemoan the loss of their washers, always to be met by nodding of heads and understanding from any women present.  I've yet to hear a man admit to having an emotional attachment to a washing machine, although they are very attached to their cars, also an inanimate object :)

So, was the Argos deliveryman being sexist then? No, he was being object-ist!  Has any man ever experienced a similar soul-draining feeling of loss when their car/van/truck dies on them and goes to the great junk yard in the sky?  I'll bet they have ladies :)  So, I cared not a jot that the deliveryman grinned while I gave my faithful old friend a hug before he popped the trolley under it and wheeled it away.  It was the end of an era.

Now of course, some two years later I'm rather fond of, and grateful to, our present washer because I have vivid (albeit fond) memories of sitting in the kitchen watching my beloved Gramma working her way through her laundry with only a double sink, with huge hand operated mangle sitting between them, and a wash board.  It was a labour intensive and back breaking task and bless her she smiled, and sometimes sang while she did it every week.

How then could I not appreciate and adore my washing machine?

Can I cheat a little and choose two products instead of just the one? If so, can I also give a shout out to the best product, other than the washing machine, that certainly simplifies this housewife's life. Oddly enough it too is laundry related.... What do you mean you're not surprised?  :)
What would I do on rainy days without my pulley?

In January last year we bought a pulley. I remember as a child every home seemed to have these wonderful, laundry drying devices. I had no idea they were even still made! So imagine my excitement when I saw this one listed on Amazon!

Where we live honeys, it rains... a lot!  The difference having our wonderful pulley to use on laundry days (which is almost every day) has made can not be over stated. No more standing airers dotted around our home cluttering up the place.  It has certainly simplified my life and I adore it :)

What can I say honeys, laundry makes me happy!  Laundry is my favourite homemaking task.  Had I lived a hundred years ago I would have been a laundress and spent my days working on everyone else's laundry and I would have been singing the whole time :)

My favourite days are laundry days!

Till next time dear ones, hugs lots and smile even more, and do please visit and read the other lovely bloggers posts here,  huggles always xxx

Blogtember 2016


  1. i had no idea what a pulley is.. then when my work computer finally agreed to load a photo its a inside clothes dryer! What a funny name. :) I only do air drying unless I have to use the drier and then its only Heath's uniform and my sheets. My clothes never go near a dryer. I marvel at your love of washing.. I don't mind the hanging but I LOATHE the putting away. No wonder my home is a mess!

    1. Hi Yvonne x If I lived in gorgeous, sunny, warm Australia I've be hanging laundry out every single day :) I adore the way things feel when they've dried in the sun but since we so rarely see it here I adore our wee pulley. It lets me hang clothes to dry without constantly tripping over those standing airers all over the house and everything dries in no time at all too :) I've always loved laundry, even when I was at school, I need to find a better hobby :) Huggles honey xxx
