Sunday 13 October 2019

Blogtober Day 13: Counting Down To Spring...

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote any websites.  The link I added in this post made me smile on a not so great day and I wanted to share the smile x

Hi Honeys
How are you? I hope you're well and staying warm.  We've been hit with chilly winds and rain all week and, in addition to my shifts at work leaving me so drained this week, I had almost decided to miss day 13 of Blogtober.

Then I thought, no! <stamps little foot> it's too early for winter to start winning the battle, I mean it's not even technically winter yet... although if you were to look through our windows right now you'd definitely wonder if winter had arrived early.

You might have heard me mention that every year I have a countdown to Spring.  Regular customers at work will ask me how long it is till we're rid of the dark, winter nights and I even wear a little badge on my lanyard that I made too 😊

The recent almost constant, cold, windy, rainy weather calls for desperate measures honeys, so I've started my countdown early...

Countdown to spring...

There are 23 weeks, or 158 days, till we officially leave winter behind and move into spring again.  It sounds like forever but it really isn't.  Time passes so fast, I mean can you believe we're running towards the holidays again already?  It feels as if no time has passed since last New Year. 

So, till spring arrives again honeys, I'll print out my little sunny badge and smile my way out of the doldrums caused by the far too short Scottish winter days.

Counting down to spring...
My sunny little badge seems to make others smile too and smiling is infectious💖 
Less than 6 hours of daylight a day, for months on end, can wear a person down honeys, not to mention the oceans of rain we're hit with.  I'm not about to let it win though dear ones, I'll just keep counting my blessings and be thankful for every one of them.

We do still have a few roses left in the garden and the rain is nourishing them. Raindrops on a rose is a perfect example of the beauty in nature we're all surrounded with every day and it'll be no time at all really until the garden is waking up from it's winter nap and in bloom again.

Countdown to spring: It will be no time at all really until the garden is in bloom again.

I get ridiculously happy every year as the weather starts to change and the garden starts to burst into life again.

Countdown to spring: It'll be no time at all until we're seeing the garden wake up and burst into life again.

When the flowers come back, I know it won't be long until our tiny garden guests come back too.

Countdown to spring: When the flowers come back, I know it won't be long until our tiny garden guests come back too.

I noticed this year it was the lavender our tiny buzzy friends seemed to visit most, so in the spring I'd like to plant a little more by the back door for them and maybe put some fresh lavender plants into a large planter under the front window too. 

I'm also planning on expanding their little drinking fountains to other areas of the garden and hoping that this year the weather will stay dry long enough to let us set up our little seating area in the back garden too.

There, I'm already feeling better honeys, there is so much to look forward to in the spring and it's not so far away at all.

While surfing online I found an actual countdown to spring clock!  I love it! It's literally counting down to March 20th, the beginning of springtime.  While it's counting down, it shows an ever changing slideshow of the most beautiful spring images.  If you'd like to see them you can find the countdown clock here.

Well dear ones, it's late and I have an early appointment at the doctors surgery.  Thank you for keeping me company, till next time, smile lots and hug even more, hugs always x

Thank you honeys for being so sweet, hugs always, Rosie xx  

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