Monday 17 October 2022

A Perfect, Quiet Day...

Hi Honeys,
Our furbaby Jade and I have had the loveliest, quietist day.  We're very lucky really, our tiny street is almost always completely silent. We live at the end of a long, (very) long road and our tiny street is the very last of lots of tiny streets leading away from it.  It's very rare for cars to drive in here unless the owners live in here or it's a delivery driver.  

Just a quiet day at home and counting my blessings...

I've been expecting the fireworks to start up again but so far (touch wood) not a single noise today.  No children out playing either today.  It's felt chilly today though, and the rain has visited a few times.  I don't blame tiny humans wanting to stay indoors instead.  
We love it here honeys, our tiny house has always been so peaceful.  Whenever I have to go out, thankfully very rarely these days, but when I get home and close the front door after me, our tiny house hugs me.🤗

Today though, has been especially peaceful and especially quiet and I'm so grateful for it. I needed quiet today.  Jade has mostly napped all afternoon, our baby will be thirteen this coming March and she naps quite a lot these days but that's ok because her Mum naps quite a lot too.😊 Jade and I are often to be found napping together on the sofa. I don't sleep very well or very much anymore so whenever I settle on the sofa to watch tv or read or just to hug Jade, we both nap.😊

I hope you've had a perfect day too honeys, full of peace, full of calm, full of everything that makes you smile.🤗 Till next time, wishing you so many good things, hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

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