I've spent most of this week looking for a reason to smile and maybe find a way to stop crying and I know for sure I'm not alone. I can't bear to switch on the TV or to read the news. Something terrible happened in Manchester this week and it's sent a shock wave through the entire country.
When terrible things like this happen, when good people, when innocent children, are hurt and killed deliberately, it's inconceivable. How can this happen? First there is shock, then I think our brain tries to make sense of it, but there's no sense to be made honeys.
I've been crying off and on all this week. I've found myself crying while doing the dishes, while sitting with our furbaby on the sofa, while pegging out laundry on the line, even while doing nothing at all.
As I so often do when I'm finding it difficult to cope I headed out into out garden in search of a smile. I'm not sure it's really helped to be honest honeys but I did take some photos and thought I'd share in the hope that maybe they'd make you smile.
Do you remember those little miniature roses, a gift from a dear friend at Christmas, well they're still blooming...
In the above photo they're sitting in front of our blueberry shrub which is enjoying the recent sunny weather and growing well too. It looks as if there will be another great crop of blueberries again this year.
The little miniature roses really are growing well, so much so that I've moved them outside into the garden so they can soak up the sunshine...