Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕

Hi Honeys, 
Happy Saint Andrews Day to fellow Scots, and lovers of Scotland, wherever you are on our wee planet🤗 How did we manage to find ourselves at the end of November already?   This past year has flown past at a terrible speed.  It's enough to leave folk dizzy! 

I'm not holding my breath but I'm optimistically hoping that I might be finding a way back to a happier me.... <touch wood.>  Depression can steal time away from us if we let it honeys and I've let it do that for long enough I think.  In no time it'll be Hogmanay (new years eve) again and next year has to get better, doesn't it?  

On to todays post then honeys.  For quite a while now hubby and I have been trying to eat a little healthier.  No to fast food/take aways and yes to home cooked yumminess.😊 I don't go out anymore (other than being popped into a taxi to go to the Drs or hospital) so hubby does our weekly shop (thank you sweetheart x)  We've gotten interested in meal prepping, making double batches of things and (what hubby refers to as "banking meals" for nights when we want something quick to prepare but also healthy too. 

A recent hit has been these super gooey, super yummy pizza wheels🍕

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

Do you remember the rolls we made recently from the two ingredient dough?  If you missed it, you can see that post here honeys.  Well, that same dough is perfect to use as a base for these pizza wheels and it really does only have two ingredients.  That dough really is amazing, it can be used for so many things.  Back to todays post then, and those delicious pizza wheels.😄  

Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels🍕


2 x two ingredient dough (made with 2 cups Greek yogurt & 2 cups self raising flour.)
1 roll of ready made pizza dough (sold in chilled aisles, pre-rolled into a rectangle shape)  

Tomato puree

Toppings of choice 


1.  Pre-heat oven to 180C or 350F or gas mark 4.

2. If using the two ingredient dough, make up a "double batch" honeys.  Just double the ingredients, so two cups of self raising flour and two cups of Greek yogurt.  Full details of the two ingredient dough can be found here.  

Cut a rectangle of parchment to the size of a baking/cookie sheet (rectangle shape, slightly larger than a sheet of A4 paper approximately) and roll out dough to this shape and size. 

If using a roll of ready made dough, open the box and roll out the pizza dough (found in most supermarkets in the chilled aisle) leaving the pizza dough on the baking paper/parchment it comes rolled in. 

3. When the pizza base is rolled out onto it's parchment, we can go ahead and start putting our pizza together.  This is the fun part and tiny humans would love to choose their favourite toppings and help to layer the pizza.   

We began by coating the surface with a layer of tomato puree.  This was followed by a layer of grated cheddar and then a good sprinkling of diced onion...
Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

Next was a good sprinkling or mozzarella cheese (I cut two balls of mozzarella into small pieces) and then a good shake of Italian herbs from our spice rail...
Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

4. Time for another fun bit honeys! Next we start from one of the shorter edges (one of the sides) of the pizza and gently (being careful not to spill any of the toppings) fold over the edge to form the start of our roll...

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

5. Continue to roll up the pizza, as tightly as needed to keep the pizza toppings in place but not tight enough to make it flat. Remember to keep moving the parchment paper back as each roll is made so that the paper isn't inside your roll. We don't want to be eating paper with our pizza wheels!😊

Imagine you're making a swiss roll honeys.  Have you ever made one of those?  If not, You can see a step by step here.  Unlike the swiss roll, we're not baking the pizza base before using it, but the rolling technique is very similar.

6. When the pizza is rolled, wrap it firmly in the parchment paper to keep its shape and place into the freezer for 20-30 minutes to allow it to partially freeze (just a little.)  This makes it easier to cut into  slices, these slices become our pizza wheels...   

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

For the pizza wheels shown in these photos, I used a sheet of ready made pizza dough and this resulted in nine perfect slices (shown above) and this left enough pizza roll to make eight more slices.  The left over slices, were placed into a container and frozen for next time we feel like a pizza night.😊 

Before freezing, I placed a small piece of parchment paper between each pizza wheel so that they wouldn't freeze all stuck together..

The pizza wheels we wanted to cook were, as you saw above, placed onto a non stick baking/cookie sheet and placed into the pre-heated oven and baked until golden brown and bubbling.  This took 18-20 minutes...

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels 🍕These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

There are no words for how delicious these pizza wheels were honeys.  We had them for dinner with a crunchy green salad, yum!😋 

Do you meal prep?  Our freezer usually has assorted dishes of lasagne, fluffy mashed potato (or cheesy mash potato) There are breakfast rolls (or muffins to our American cousins.)  Lots of yumminess, all waiting to be taken out and enjoyed.   

There is even a zip lock bag of freshly squeezed lemon juice frozen into ice cubes.  This makes having my daily lemon and hot water so easy to make, even on days when I'm not feeling at my best.  

Hoping you're having the best week dear ones, thank you for keeping me company tonight, it means more than I can say.🤗💖  Till next time, mountains of hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Happy Halloween Everybody 🤗💖🎃🎃🎃

Hi Honeys,
How can it be the end of Blogtober already?  Every year this happens, time passes so quickly that before you know it, it's done again.😊 Best thing is that the last day of Blogtober is also one of my favourite days of the year!  

Happy Halloween honeys🤗💖🎃🎃🎃  I thought I'd get my little gnomes to wish you a happy Halloween too.😄  

Happy Halloween Everybody🤗💖🎃🎃🎃

There's Minerva (of course, what else would I call her?😊) with her crystal ball and cauldron (and a tiny ghost friend.)  Next to Minerva is Harry Meerkat in his Gryffindor uniform and robes and even a tiny owl friend.🦉  Yes, I know, it's not Hedwig but he's been with me for so, so many years and is very precious.🦉💖 They look cool together, don't you think? 

Lastly then, there is Albus (oh no, stop!  You can't be surprised by now?😄) There's a theme here, isn't there honeys?  Yes, yes, I'm a Potter fan.  At work we always dressed up each year and once I even managed to convince a tiny human that I was in fact a student at Hogwarts.😄💖  

I saw the first movie because one of my favourite actors was in it (the much missed, much loved Mr Rickman💔) and was hooked.  Albus was a gift from a very dear friend (thank you Sarah x) and is one of my treasures.💖 He has lovely, twinkly, friendly eyes, just like the real Albus.😊💖

Whatever you have planned for today/tonight honeys, even if you don't celebrate Halloween at all, whatever you're doing, I hope you're having the best day, that it's the start of the best week and sending so, so many hugs....  
Happy Halloween Everybody🤗💖🎃🎃🎃

Till next time dear ones, hugs always xx

Happy Halloween Everybody🤗💖🎃🎃🎃 Hugs always, Rosie x

How 10 Tiny Changes Really Can Make A Big Difference🌍💖

Disclaimer:  I have not been paid to recommend any products or stores or items.  These are just the tiny ways Hubby and I have been trying to change our home in an effort to live a healthier life and to reduce our impact on the world around us.🌍💖 Do you have any other ideas? Hints? Tips?  If so, let me know please in the comments below, hugs x

Hi Honeys, 
How are you today?  Well, we did it!  We've reached the last day of Blogtober for another year and I'm still playing catch up, so today there will be two posts to complete it.😊    

Today's (technically yesterday's but it has so many photos and so much content, well it got to be 1am and I just couldn't finish it, so, here we are💖)  Well anyway, for this post😊 I thought I'd share ten tiny changes we've made in our home over the past couple of years.  Just tiny changes but (hopefully) they all add up.

Some of these tiny tweaks have been made to try to live a healthier life, some have been to try to lower our impact on the tiny planet we all share.🌍💖
How tiny changes really can make a big difference to how we impact the world around us and save money too🌍💖

As I said honeys, there are a lot of photos in this post so it might be a good idea to grab a cuppa and maybe a cookie (or two🍪) I'll meet you back here after the page break?  See you in a few mins...