Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Coping, Comments And Apologies...

Hi Honeys, 
I noticed something this morning and just wanted to post an apology, lots of apologies actually.💖  

Coping, comments and apologies: Just a few thoughts and catching up honeys x

I'd noticed recently that a lovely comment had been left under one of my posts (weekend musings and finding smiles) but before I could reply it disappeared.  Actually a bunch of comments, under lots of different posts, have been deleted but as far as I know the rest were "spam" comments (not related to anything in the post but including a link to a website, or sometimes just a link itself.)  

I have no idea if it's Google who've done a "clear up" of some kind, (although I don't remember them ever having done it before) or if whoever left the lovely comment (it mentioned the roses💖) came back and deleted it, thinking I couldn't be bothered to reply?  I do hope that's not what happened honeys, I really do.  I had noticed the comment but just wasn't able to reply at the time. 

Scroll past this next bit honeys, life's too short x

Anyone who has read any of the posts in this blog will know dear ones, that I dislike "pity parties" and try really hard not to let myself wallow in any "woe is me" time.  I've battled depression for too many years and know how easily it can take over.  Far better to be positive, to see the best in situations and to count my blessings, of which there are many I know and for which I really am very, very grateful.  For the last, almost two years though, it's been incredibly difficult to find my inner Pollyanna, my always happy, always "it'll be fine" attitude.  I'm still looking for her though x

This has had a domino effect on other areas of my life too, making it more difficult to cope with (or put up with) worsening health issues including stubbornly high blood pressure, asthma and arthritis (rheumatoid and osteo) that's trying to take away what little mobility I have left.   Apparently the osteoarthritis in my spine may have "progressed" they won't know for sure until I have another MRI scan.  I'm due back to the hospital clinic in the autumn so might find out then.  I don't sleep honeys, most often I have two to four hours broken sleep every night.  

You can see why dear ones that I try very hard not to wallow. I'm trying to find my way back to the sunnier me, some days it's just so much harder is all.  Now, that's enough complaining, really enough and if you just read all of that, thank you dear ones for caring.💞  It means more than I can tell you🥰💖🤗  

Comments and apologies...

Back to this post then.  I just really wanted to apologise to whoever had written that lovely comment (there wasn't a name, I think it just said unknown) I'm sorry that I wasn't able to reply before it was deleted.  If you should ever get to see this post, thank you for taking the time to comment and for being so sweet.💖🤗🥰  

I'm sorry honeys that I haven't been posting so often for such a while, I am trying to do better, but thank you for still keeping me company and making this little corner of the internet less lonely.💖🤗 

Coping, comments and apologies: Just a few thoughts and catching up honeys x

I hope that you're having the best week and looking forward to the weekend, till next time dear ones, sending you mountains of hugs always x

Hugs always honeys, Rosie xx

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Easiest Ever Cheese & Onion Pasties...

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote any products or shops/stores.  Just sharing our adventure in meal prepping.🤗

Hi Honeys, 

How are you today?  All well I hope and having a fabulous week🤗 The temperatures are starting to rise a little, it's supposed to reach the dizzying heights of 15C today with no rain forecast at all!🎉 I know, it's a silly thing to get excited about but here I am, happier than anyone has a right to be.🥰

We're still finding things we can meal prep, batch cook and freeze ahead of time for dinners later in the month.  This is month three now of meal planning for the whole month and it's not just getting easier, it's saving us money on our food budget too.   

Today I thought I'd share one of our latest little experiments in meal prepping for our freezer😊 Today's is one of my favourites, although we've also been prepping Hubby's favourites, such as sausage rolls and the most awesome (Hubby says so😊) homemade beef & onion burgers.  

Back to todays little savory treat then honeys.😊 I've never been a huge fan of meat based savories preferring cheese & onion pasties instead.  I think every Scot has a favourite from the menu at Greggs, the now famous bakery/take-away chain and their cheese & onion pasty has always been mine. I once waved at Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother while clutching a little paper bag containing my Greggs cheese & onion pasty, I would have shared it with her too if she hadn't been in her car... oh well.😊

Easiest ever cheese & onion pasties: So easy to make they (almost) make themselves😊

This post has quite a few images, as usual, so it might be worth fetching a cuppa (and maybe a cookie or two😊) and making yourself comfortable, dear ones.  I'll meet you back here in a few minutes with our cuppas, see you after the page break...