Wednesday, 21 July 2021

How To Start Over When You Can't See A Way Forward...

Disclaimer:  This post is not intended to be medical (or any other kind of) advice!  Please honeys, if you find yourself feeling as I have these past months, please seek help from your Doctor or other medical health practitioner, call a friend, family member or there are volunteer agencies such as The Samaritans, your local Church, so many others who can help.  You're never alone honeys, please reach out to someone x  

Hello Honeys 
I'm so sorry I've been missing for so long.  I really didn't mean to fall off the internet but that's essentially what's happened these past few months.  I've been feeling very low.  

Five words. "I've been feeling very low."  They don't come close to describing how I've been feeling dear ones.  For months now, everything, every little thing, has been such a tremendous effort and it's left me feeling beyond exhausted.  All the time.  A great, cosmic straw has drained all of the energy I've ever had, it feels like.   

Maybe whatever we've all been dealing with in the last 18 months or so, since the pandemic appeared, has been somehow magnified by being locked away in our homes?  We've all been kept away from our regular routines, from seeing family members and friends and for many, even from our workplaces (so many, including Hubby, are still working from home.)  

It has to affect us all somehow, all of this taking away of our familiar, our everyday, our coping mechanisms.  I know that it has done with me. 

Sad Endings And New Beginnings...

I've a feeling this might be a longer post honeys, so why not go grab a cuppa (and maybe a cookie or two 🍪) and we can have a chat?  See you back here after the page break, ok?