I hope you're staying warm today. Do you have snow? We do. The garden is buried in a thick carpet of snow & our furbaby Jade isn't at all keen, bless her. She stands at the back door looking out and then looks at me as if I can make it go away for her so she can play in her garden. I so wish I could.
As promised in my last post I thought I'd share how our little crafting corner is taking shape. It's nowhere near finished yet but I'm making progress, even if it's only a little :)
Do you remember our newly set up book nook? This corner of the room directly faces the top of the bed, so it's under the same (and only) window in the room as the bed is. So far it looks like this.....
As you can see honeys, it's definitely not anything fancy but I can't even think about it without smiling :) This room really is starting to become somewhere I can be really happy. I'm so enjoying gathering crafting supplies from various cupboards around the house and putting them all together into their own designated area. I'll try to show how I've made a start in organising this little craft space in a little more detail.....