Saturday 3 December 2022

Harry And His New Broom๐Ÿงน Sharing A Little Smile๐Ÿฅฐ

Disclaimer: I'm not being paid to promote any products or shops honeys but had to share the silliest, tiniest wee thing that just made my day.๐Ÿ’–

Hi Honeys, 
Warning!! Moany person alert!!๐Ÿ˜Š  Not really.  I am battling a chronically exhausted body that keeps yelling at me but as any spoonie knows, that just means it's a day with a "y" in it (gentle hugs for fellow spoonies๐Ÿค—) If you've visited before dear ones, you'll know I don't do pity parties so there is an "up" side.  

It's a good excuse though to mention my yearly countdown to spring (only 107 days now honeys๐Ÿฅฐ)  I'm determined to get things done in 2023.  Time just seems to be flying past us, where has this past year gone?  So, time to sit down, make some plans and get to work on them. 

First on the list has to be decluttering our home.  Seriously honeys, I need the rooms in our home to be emptier, calmer, and I want to be able to push the vacuum cleaner around without having to move things first.

Enough of my moaning myrtle impression though dear ones. On to today's post๐Ÿฅฐ It's a silly wee thing really but I wanted to share because it made me smile, and what better to share than a wee smile (silly or otherwise๐Ÿฅฐ) 

Sharing a little smile: Harry meerkat has a new Nimbus broomstick (which is also a pen!)

Do you remember my little smiley shelf with my Potter themed gnomes honeys?  You can see them here, in the Halloween post.  Well, the tiny "cubbie" of the shelf unit that is home to my little meerkat gnome in his Gryffindor robes is starting to become quite a little diorama๐Ÿ’– 

The latest addition is a pen, believe it or not.  Hubby brought it home for me and instantly it just had to join Harry (what else could I name him, really honeys?) in his little home๐Ÿฅฐ  

Sharing a little smile: Harry meerkat has a new Nimbus broomstick (which is also a pen!)

Yes, it's a pen, shaped to resemble Harry's famous Nimbus 2000 broomstick.  This little pen is among the latest Potter themed range at Primark and it's just the right size too...
Sharing a little smile: Harry meerkat has a new Nimbus broomstick (which is also a pen!)

What do you think honeys?  I'm loving how his little shelf is changing.  The tiny "books" are made of a sort of heavy pottery or clay (not sure) and Hubby spotted them in either Poundland or One Below, and the tiny cauldron is a candle and came from Poundland last year in the run up to Halloween๐ŸŽƒ The adorable wee owl is so old he's practically vintage and has been with me since my mid teens (told you he was old๐Ÿ˜„)  

Now Harry Meerkat has his Nimbus broomstick too๐Ÿงน๐Ÿฅฐ  What's making you smile today?  Are you starting to get excited about the holidays yet?  Have you started decorating?  Whatever you're doing this weekend, I hope you have the best time with the most smiles.๐Ÿค— Till next time dear ones, stay warm and hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•

Hi Honeys, 
Happy Saint Andrews Day to fellow Scots, and lovers of Scotland, wherever you are on our wee planet๐Ÿค— How did we manage to find ourselves at the end of November already?   This past year has flown past at a terrible speed.  It's enough to leave folk dizzy! 

I'm not holding my breath but I'm optimistically hoping that I might be finding a way back to a happier me.... <touch wood.>  Depression can steal time away from us if we let it honeys and I've let it do that for long enough I think.  In no time it'll be Hogmanay (new years eve) again and next year has to get better, doesn't it?  

On to todays post then honeys.  For quite a while now hubby and I have been trying to eat a little healthier.  No to fast food/take aways and yes to home cooked yumminess.๐Ÿ˜Š I don't go out anymore (other than being popped into a taxi to go to the Drs or hospital) so hubby does our weekly shop (thank you sweetheart x)  We've gotten interested in meal prepping, making double batches of things and (what hubby refers to as "banking meals" for nights when we want something quick to prepare but also healthy too. 

A recent hit has been these super gooey, super yummy pizza wheels๐Ÿ•

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

Do you remember the rolls we made recently from the two ingredient dough?  If you missed it, you can see that post here honeys.  Well, that same dough is perfect to use as a base for these pizza wheels and it really does only have two ingredients.  That dough really is amazing, it can be used for so many things.  Back to todays post then, and those delicious pizza wheels.๐Ÿ˜„  

Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels๐Ÿ•


2 x two ingredient dough (made with 2 cups Greek yogurt & 2 cups self raising flour.)
1 roll of ready made pizza dough (sold in chilled aisles, pre-rolled into a rectangle shape)  

Tomato puree

Toppings of choice 


1.  Pre-heat oven to 180C or 350F or gas mark 4.

2. If using the two ingredient dough, make up a "double batch" honeys.  Just double the ingredients, so two cups of self raising flour and two cups of Greek yogurt.  Full details of the two ingredient dough can be found here.  

Cut a rectangle of parchment to the size of a baking/cookie sheet (rectangle shape, slightly larger than a sheet of A4 paper approximately) and roll out dough to this shape and size. 

If using a roll of ready made dough, open the box and roll out the pizza dough (found in most supermarkets in the chilled aisle) leaving the pizza dough on the baking paper/parchment it comes rolled in. 

3. When the pizza base is rolled out onto it's parchment, we can go ahead and start putting our pizza together.  This is the fun part and tiny humans would love to choose their favourite toppings and help to layer the pizza.   

We began by coating the surface with a layer of tomato puree.  This was followed by a layer of grated cheddar and then a good sprinkling of diced onion...
Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

Next was a good sprinkling or mozzarella cheese (I cut two balls of mozzarella into small pieces) and then a good shake of Italian herbs from our spice rail...
Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

4. Time for another fun bit honeys! Next we start from one of the shorter edges (one of the sides) of the pizza and gently (being careful not to spill any of the toppings) fold over the edge to form the start of our roll...

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

5. Continue to roll up the pizza, as tightly as needed to keep the pizza toppings in place but not tight enough to make it flat. Remember to keep moving the parchment paper back as each roll is made so that the paper isn't inside your roll. We don't want to be eating paper with our pizza wheels!๐Ÿ˜Š

Imagine you're making a swiss roll honeys.  Have you ever made one of those?  If not, You can see a step by step here.  Unlike the swiss roll, we're not baking the pizza base before using it, but the rolling technique is very similar.

6. When the pizza is rolled, wrap it firmly in the parchment paper to keep its shape and place into the freezer for 20-30 minutes to allow it to partially freeze (just a little.)  This makes it easier to cut into  slices, these slices become our pizza wheels...   

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

For the pizza wheels shown in these photos, I used a sheet of ready made pizza dough and this resulted in nine perfect slices (shown above) and this left enough pizza roll to make eight more slices.  The left over slices, were placed into a container and frozen for next time we feel like a pizza night.๐Ÿ˜Š 

Before freezing, I placed a small piece of parchment paper between each pizza wheel so that they wouldn't freeze all stuck together..

The pizza wheels we wanted to cook were, as you saw above, placed onto a non stick baking/cookie sheet and placed into the pre-heated oven and baked until golden brown and bubbling.  This took 18-20 minutes...

Making Extra Yummy Pizza Wheels ๐Ÿ•These pizza wheels are sure to be a favourite with all the family (especially tiny humans) and they're so easy and quick to make too.  Why not make up two batches and freeze some for a mid week snack or movie night?

There are no words for how delicious these pizza wheels were honeys.  We had them for dinner with a crunchy green salad, yum!๐Ÿ˜‹ 

Do you meal prep?  Our freezer usually has assorted dishes of lasagne, fluffy mashed potato (or cheesy mash potato) There are breakfast rolls (or muffins to our American cousins.)  Lots of yumminess, all waiting to be taken out and enjoyed.   

There is even a zip lock bag of freshly squeezed lemon juice frozen into ice cubes.  This makes having my daily lemon and hot water so easy to make, even on days when I'm not feeling at my best.  

Hoping you're having the best week dear ones, thank you for keeping me company tonight, it means more than I can say.๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–  Till next time, mountains of hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Happy Halloween Everybody ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ

Hi Honeys,
How can it be the end of Blogtober already?  Every year this happens, time passes so quickly that before you know it, it's done again.๐Ÿ˜Š Best thing is that the last day of Blogtober is also one of my favourite days of the year!  

Happy Halloween honeys๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ  I thought I'd get my little gnomes to wish you a happy Halloween too.๐Ÿ˜„  

Happy Halloween Everybody๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ

There's Minerva (of course, what else would I call her?๐Ÿ˜Š) with her crystal ball and cauldron (and a tiny ghost friend.)  Next to Minerva is Harry Meerkat in his Gryffindor uniform and robes and even a tiny owl friend.๐Ÿฆ‰  Yes, I know, it's not Hedwig but he's been with me for so, so many years and is very precious.๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿ’– They look cool together, don't you think? 

Lastly then, there is Albus (oh no, stop!  You can't be surprised by now?๐Ÿ˜„) There's a theme here, isn't there honeys?  Yes, yes, I'm a Potter fan.  At work we always dressed up each year and once I even managed to convince a tiny human that I was in fact a student at Hogwarts.๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ’–  

I saw the first movie because one of my favourite actors was in it (the much missed, much loved Mr Rickman๐Ÿ’”) and was hooked.  Albus was a gift from a very dear friend (thank you Sarah x) and is one of my treasures.๐Ÿ’– He has lovely, twinkly, friendly eyes, just like the real Albus.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–

Whatever you have planned for today/tonight honeys, even if you don't celebrate Halloween at all, whatever you're doing, I hope you're having the best day, that it's the start of the best week and sending so, so many hugs....  
Happy Halloween Everybody๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ

Till next time dear ones, hugs always xx

Happy Halloween Everybody๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ Hugs always, Rosie x

How 10 Tiny Changes Really Can Make A Big Difference๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’–

Disclaimer:  I have not been paid to recommend any products or stores or items.  These are just the tiny ways Hubby and I have been trying to change our home in an effort to live a healthier life and to reduce our impact on the world around us.๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’– Do you have any other ideas? Hints? Tips?  If so, let me know please in the comments below, hugs x

Hi Honeys, 
How are you today?  Well, we did it!  We've reached the last day of Blogtober for another year and I'm still playing catch up, so today there will be two posts to complete it.๐Ÿ˜Š    

Today's (technically yesterday's but it has so many photos and so much content, well it got to be 1am and I just couldn't finish it, so, here we are๐Ÿ’–)  Well anyway, for this post๐Ÿ˜Š I thought I'd share ten tiny changes we've made in our home over the past couple of years.  Just tiny changes but (hopefully) they all add up.

Some of these tiny tweaks have been made to try to live a healthier life, some have been to try to lower our impact on the tiny planet we all share.๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’–
How tiny changes really can make a big difference to how we impact the world around us and save money too๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’–

As I said honeys, there are a lot of photos in this post so it might be a good idea to grab a cuppa and maybe a cookie (or two๐Ÿช) I'll meet you back here after the page break?  See you in a few mins...

Sunday 30 October 2022

Time To Start Crafting Again...

Hi Honeys,

Well, that's it.  A whole evening spent making up little treat bags for tiny humans to collect tomorrow.  It was a lot of fun, as it always is.  I love Halloween.๐ŸŽƒ 

Now though, it's time to start thinking about the next holiday period, and to that end it's time to get out my air dry clay, my cookie cutters and get crafting again.๐Ÿ˜Š

The holidays are coming honeys, time to start crafting...

A couple of years ago, I used some air dry clay, cookie cutters and some acrylic paints and had the most fun making little tree ornaments to put inside Christmas cards.  

Well, now that all of the work for Halloween is over, it's time to start crafting again for the holidays.  So, now it's time to take out those cookie cutters again๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„

The holidays are coming honeys, time to start crafting...

Making these little tree ornaments is a perfect, fun craft for tiny humans.  The air dry clay is rolled out, the cookie cutters are used to make the shapes needed, and then a pencil is used to make a little hole for the ribbon to be threaded through.

They are then left overnight (it might take a little longer, depending on how thickly/thinly the clay shapes have been cut) then even more fun!  The tree ornaments can then be decorated.  They can be painted, or left as they are, and lastly, pretty ribbons can be chosen to thread them with.๐Ÿ’–  

 As you can see honeys, my favourites are the little angels๐Ÿ‘ผ I collect angels, they're all around our home, sitting on shelves, on bookcases, and they always make me smile.๐Ÿ˜Š

The holidays are coming honeys, time to start crafting...

The little bells are painted silver, just like the angels wings, while the Christmas trees and the buttons on the cute little gingerbread men are painted using a sparkly, glittery paint. 
The holidays are coming honeys, time to start crafting...

Of course there are other preparations for the holidays too.  Getting my much loved brother-in-law's room ready for his visit and of course planning and meal prepping his favourite dinners for him too๐Ÿ’– We only get to see him once every year because he lives so far away so his visits mean such a lot to us.  

We also have a lot of holiday baking to do too, of course, which I adore doing, but it's spending an hour or two making tiny tree decorations to hide inside Christmas cards that I so look forward to.๐Ÿ’–

Are you making a start on your holiday preparations honeys?  What's your favourite part of holiday prep?  So many hugs dear ones and thank you for keeping me company.  Till next time, hugs always xx 

Hugs always, Rosie xx

Friday 28 October 2022

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’–

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote or recommend any products of stores.  I'm just sharing the latest little organising project in our kitchen.  I'm absolutely loving it๐Ÿ˜„  

Hi Honeys,

I'm back again๐Ÿ˜„ Yes, this is the second Blogtober post today.  I'm playing catch up due to arthritis and the cold, damp weather both tag teaming against me.๐Ÿ˜ณ  It hasn't beat me yet honeys, sending so many gentle hugs to fellow spoonies who are also battling the elements this week๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’– 

On to today's (second) post then๐Ÿ˜„  Today's post is probably a silly one really.  It's such a daft wee thing to be so excited about, but I just can't help it๐Ÿ˜Š 

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’– We've discovered lazy Susans and they're so cool!!

There!  Now I'm grinning again honeys๐Ÿ˜Š I spotted on the Home Bargains website that they have clear, acrylic "lazy Susans" and I had an idea.  The little project has worked so well and now things that I use all the time all have a home, right by the cooker by the cooker.... 

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’– We've discovered lazy Susans and they're so cool!!

OK, I'll share what has found a home on the lazy Susan.  In fact, I'll turn it around for you (in photos) and you'll see why I'm loving it.๐Ÿ’–  From the left then honeys (in the above photo) 

* The cutest silicone tea infuser๐ŸŒน The little red plant pot is a holder or stand, while the infuser is a little bulb shape at the end of the flower. It lives there because it's to hand if needed but also because it makes me smile.๐Ÿ˜Š

* The pretty little glass jar is from Ikea and as soon as I spotted it I knew what it would be perfect for honeys.  It's where we keep sea salt for cooking.  The basket above the lazy Susan (you can just see the bottom of it on the photos) is one of two matching hanging baskets from Ikea which attach to a matching rail on the wall.  

The basket above the lazy Susan has two containers full of utensils (such as spatulas, wooden spoons etc) as well as other condiments such as Himalayan salt, pepper, olive oil etc.   

* Sitting in front of the little salt dish is a tiny digital timer.  Much needed these days to prevent me from burning the house down by burning dinner.๐Ÿ˜•  

 * Lastly, on this side of the lazy Susan is a pretty glass tea cup, also from Ikea, which I use to keep oxo (stock) cubes to hand at the cooker. 

Next (if we turn the lazy Susan just a little, we still see the cup of stock cubes but can now see...  

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’– We've discovered lazy Susans and they're so cool!!

* The beautiful pale green mug, which has my bamboo coaster stored, sitting on top, is one of a pair.  You'll see the other one, in a lovely pastel blue shade, further around the lazy Susan. They are Royal Doulton and they were a birthday gift from a very dear friend (thank you Miriam honey, love you x) they have roses on them and I absolutely love them.๐Ÿ’– 

Let's turn the lazy Susan again...  

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’– We've discovered lazy Susans and they're so cool!!

This is why I'm loving this little lazy Susan honeys.๐Ÿ’–  As you can see, at the rear of the lazy Susan there are the two beautiful mugs from Miriam and in the middle is my little glass tea pot.  It has a built in tea infuser, which is removable, and I use it to make my hot lemon water in the mornings.  

I got this pretty little teapot from Ikea and they have a larger one available too.  This smaller teapot is perfect for just me though because it holds exactly enough for two cups, letting me sip on my lemon water through the morning.  

I used to use the teapots infuser, filling it with lots of lemon slices and letting it sit until I had the loveliest lemon water but now I make lemon cubes.  You can see how I make them here honeys.๐Ÿค—  

Having a safe home on this little lazy Susan means my little glass teapot is safe from being dropped, nudged off worktops or any other disaster that's all-too-likely-to-happen if it had a less safe home to be returned to after use.  Same goes (times infinity!) for those beautiful mugs from Miriam.๐Ÿ’–

Almost back to the beginning of the little lazy Susan then, sitting in front of the pretty pastel blue mug with the beautiful roses (I really, really love these Miriam, thank you sweetheart x) is the little flower shaped tea infuser... 

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’– We've discovered lazy Susans and they're so cool!!

And as we turn the lazy Susan again...

Loving Our Latest Organising Project๐Ÿ’– We've discovered lazy Susans and they're so cool!!

We're back to the beginning again.๐Ÿ’–

Such a silly thing to be so happy about I know but it's worked so well and I find when something has a home it's more likely to be put away straight away too.  

Over to you honeys.  Do you use lazy Susans to help stay organised?  Do you have any organising tips to share?  Till next time dear ones, stay warm and safe, hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to recommend any products of stores, just sharing a fun little DIY project that could help keep tiny humans safe, by making sure they are visible to cars etc while they're out trick or treating.๐ŸŽƒ

Hi Honeys,
I'm playing catch up with Blogtober again.๐Ÿ˜Š I'm sorry honeys, the weather is playing havoc with me๐Ÿ˜’  Enough moans though, there's catching up to do.๐Ÿ˜Š 

I thought since Halloween is only a few days away, I'd share a little DIY project I first posted a few years ago.  It's such an easy, takes-no-time-at-all project and just helps keep tiny humans visible while they're out trick or treating.  Important, now that the dark nights are with us again, but also fun to have a little treat bag that doubles as a lantern too..   

How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

Are you missing the daylight honeys?  The worst part of winter for me is the almost constant (it feels that way to me anyway) darkness.  During winter, here on the west coast of Scotland it can be completely dark until after 9am and then, with the snap of fingers, be midnight dark again before 4pm.  

It's beyond draining.  Is it any wonder that every year I have a countdown to spring?๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ There are one hundred and forty three days to go honeys, just in case you wondered๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒป

What we need for our project...

On to our project then.  All you'll need is a set of the battery powered led lights you'll find in places like supermarkets or pound (or Dollar) stores like Poundland or Dollar Tree.  They're usually anywhere between £1 - £3 a set.  You'll then need batteries for the lights too, of course.  This will usually be two AA batteries.  Then you'll need a treat bag you can attach the lights to.  I used a plastic cauldron from Asda (Walmart) that cost around £1, but again these are available everywhere, as well as other types of treat bags you can use too.  

Lastly, you'll need a roll of any strong tape, like gaffer or duct tape.  I used very thick, black electrical tape.  This tape is very strong, so it would hold the lights firmly in place, but it also meant that an additional piece of tape can be run around the inside edge (once the project is done) to make the wire "disappear" so that tiny humans can happily collect treats in their bag without treats, or tiny hands, getting tangled.   

The led lights are available in so, so many designs.  For this project in the past I've used a set of Harry Potter Hedwig lights, as well as a set of adorable little ghost lights I found in Poundland.๐Ÿ‘ป๐ŸŽƒ Choose a set you, or the tiny human who will use the bag, like honeys...

How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

First we unpack the lights and fit the batteries, to check that they work.  How irritating would it be to securely attach the lights, only to then find out they're faulty?  Yep, been there, done that.๐Ÿ˜Š 

How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

Next we begin to attach the lights.  I snipped off around a dozen or so pieces of the tape and lightly attached them to edge of our coffee table - thinking back on it, I should have used a craft board or a chopping board from the kitchen.  Oh well, next time maybe.๐Ÿ˜Š   

Attach the first light so that the light sits outside the treat bag but the wires are on the inside...

How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

Fasten securely with a piece of your previously cut tape.  Carry on attaching the rest of the lights, spacing the lights out so that they go all around the treat bag.  With a much larger piece of tape, secure the battery pack/compartment of the lights to the inside of the bag. 

Once again, try switching on the lights.  This is to make sure you can still easily reach the on/off switch of the lights and that the tape isn't covering it...  
How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

Not all lights will sit as well as the Potter themed ones did. They have a sort of copper wire that bends to shape and allows the little owls to almost perch on the top of the cauldron.  The ghosts have a more flexible wire, so I just ran a little bit of tape over the edge of the cauldron to hold the wire from moving... 

How A Tiny Set Of LED Lights Can Help Keep Little Ones Safe When Trick Or Treating๐ŸŽƒ

Last thing to do is to run a length of the tape around the inner edge of the treat bag to completely cover the wires.  This not only makes the wires (sort of) disappear from sight but, as I said, prevents tiny humans fingers/hands getting tangled or caught by any wires. 

It's taken much longer to explain this tiny project than it takes to complete it honeys, it's so easy you'll be able to make a few in no time at all (depending on how many tiny humans would like one of them.)  I'm sure lots of little ones would love to have their own little lantern/treat bag to light their way and might even want to use it as a night light for Halloween too. 

How are your Halloween preparations going?  We still have some baking to do and the treat bags to make up.๐ŸŽƒ   Thank you for keeping me company, are you taking part in Blogtober this year?  If so, please leave a link to your blog/Vlog and I'll pop over and say hello.๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿค—

Till next time dear ones, hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

Wednesday 26 October 2022

What To Do With A Completed Latch Hook Kit?๐Ÿ

Disclaimer:  I have not been paid to promote any products or stores, just sharing my latest crafting project and looking for ideas on how to complete it by turning it into.... well something.  Any suggestions honeys? ๐Ÿค— 

Hi Honeys, 

How are you today?  I'm looking for suggestions on what to do with a recently completed latch hook kit, a gift from Hubby (thank you sweetheart x)  

Fun with latch hook kits - What to do with a completed kit and adorable buzzy bee decor...

Have you ever tried a latch hook kit?  Before this adorable kit Hubby brought me home, with the bee motif, it had been years since I'd done one.  I'd forgotten how much fun they are.๐Ÿ˜Š 

The kit comes all contained in a cardboard box.  Inside there is everything you need to complete the design shown on the box.  Firstly, there is a piece of canvas aida, this is the fabric that the yarns are attached to and has the pattern the kit is to make, printed on it...

Fun with latch hook kits - What to do with a completed kit and adorable buzzy bee decor...

In addition there is a latch hook tool, seen above, and all of the yarn needed to complete the kit in pre-cut lengths.  

It took me almost six days, working on it in the evenings, to complete this little kit and I just love it๐Ÿ’–  Now though, the question is, what to do with it? 

Fun with latch hook kits - What to do with a completed kit and adorable buzzy bee decor...

On the box the kit is packaged in, it suggests turning it into a wall hanging, a cushion or a rug.  Now, since it measures 30cm x 30cm (that's only just short of 12 inches x 12 inches) so it's much too small to be a rug๐Ÿ˜Š  I do think it might make a lovely wall hanging, if I finished off the edges with a binding or edging.  

I have to admit I'm leaning towards adding a backing to the canvas aida and then sewing it up into a cushion cover using something lovely from my tiny fabric collection upstairs.  It would be so nice as a cushion cover and I'm sure Buzz would like a new friend to keep him company upstairs๐Ÿ

Buzz the friendly bee and his cushions๐Ÿ

Do you remember Buzz?  If not, you can read about him here๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’– 

What do you think honeys?  Any other ideas on how to transform the little bee latch hook kit into decor?  Have you tried making a latch hook kit?  Hubby got this one for me from Home Bargains, and I think I'll see if there are any other designs on their website.  I enjoyed working on it, it's good physio for my arthritic hands too.  

Thank you for keeping me company dear ones.  Till next time, stay warm and safe, the weather is definitely changing.  Hugs always x

Buzz the friendly bee says stay safe and warm xx

For World Pasta Day!๐Ÿ 5 Of Our Favourite Super Easy, Super Yummy, Pasta Dishes..๐Ÿ˜‹

Hi Honeys, 

How are you today?  All well I hope?  I'm still playing catch up with Blogtober, being a post behind after being set upon by my arthritis this week. It's the UK weather changing is all.  Of all the things I ever dreamt of achieving over the years, turning into some kind of a human barometer really wasn't one of them.๐Ÿ˜Š  

So, here's yesterday's post dear ones.  I actually managed to mostly set it up, that is to say choosing which recipes to include and organising photos etc, but by then it was almost midnight and I was so drained after having posted already yesterday, I had to give up and go sleep.  So, to celebrate world pasta day๐Ÿ (yesterday) here it is.๐Ÿค— 

Do you adore pasta honeys?  Hubby and I do.  We'd be lost without our favourite pasta dishes in our meal rotation.๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ’– So, for today's catch-up Blogtober post, I thought I'd share five of our favourite pasta treats...

It's World Pasta Day!๐Ÿ 5 Of Our Favourite Super Easy, Super Yummy, Pasta Dishes..๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ

Can you imagine a world without pasta?  It's an odd thought really.  How often do we, even if we think we're not making a pasta dish that day, reach for a form of it?  

We're heading into November and here in Scotland that means making pots of lovely, warming soup to keep out the winter chills. That means lots of yummy veggies and... noodles.  I like to reach for the spaghetti to break up and put through our soup.  When Hubby has had to commute home through our horrible British winter weather, what could be better to be waiting for him when he gets here than a huge mug of chicken noodle soup to chase the chills away?

So, since there are lots of photos in this post honeys, why not go grab a cuppa (and maybe a cookie or two) and meet me back here after the page break where I'll share five of our favourite pasta treats. See you in a mo...

Tuesday 25 October 2022

The Best Cops For Halloween Week! Have You Met The Wellington Paranormal Unit?๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to recommend these dvds, just sharing in the hope that this wonderful, funny series might be discovered and loved by anybody who might not have seen it yet x

Hi Honeys,  

I'm playing catch up with Blogtober.  I'm sorry I didn't manage to post yesterday, I've been battling a flare of pesky arthritis and yesterday I was just exhausted from it.  It might have won a wee victory yesterday honeys, but I'm determined to catch up and get back on track.  Only another week of Blogtober to go.๐Ÿ’– 

Since we're now in the week leading to Halloween, I thought I'd share one of our favourite TV cop shows. If you've already enjoyed this fabulous series, set in gorgeous Wellington, in New Zealand, I won't need to tell you how perfectly it fits into any fun Halloween countdown week.๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ

Have you met the Officers of the Wellington Paranormal Unit yet?

An average shift for Officers Minogue and O'Leary might include dealing with anything from haunted houses (and cars) to zombies, vampires, werewolves and even an alien invasion.๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ›ธ 

In fact, during a busy Christmas period they even had to deal with an office photocopier becoming a portal to a hot tub in another realm, not to mention Satan himself arriving to act as a shopping Mall's Santa for their Santa's Grotto!๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„ Who knew it could end up being the fault of a typo in the fax requesting a Santa (think about it honeys.... so silly and made me giggle๐Ÿ˜Š)

Have you met the Officers of the Wellington Paranormal Unit yet?

O'Leary and Minogue are joined in their adventures by Sergeant Maaka, also known as Sarge, the head of the WPU (as Minogue tells O'Leary he'd like them to be known, with huge letters on the backs of their jackets of course.๐Ÿ˜Š)  

Sarge runs the Wellington Paranormal Unit from a tiny, hidden room (that everyone knows about) in Police Headquarters that Mulder would feel perfectly at home in.  Sarge is very much a believer in the paranormal.  

Our trio are accompanied on adventures occasionally by Parker.  A fellow police officer, Parker originally turned down a place in the WPU (as did everyone else at the station๐Ÿ˜Š) but changes his mind and wants to join when he sees the cases, and adventures, that Minogue and O'Leary face every shift.

The series is a spin off from an appearance by Minogue and O'Leary in the movie version of What we do in the shadows, which itself has it's own very funny spin off series (although I would say that series is more adult in nature.)  You can see their cameo here.

If you'd like to see a little teaser for this amazing series, you can watch a trailer for series one to three on YouTube here. 

An important public service announcement from Officer O'Leary!  You can see it here.

This is a character guide from last year when the series was launched in USA.

Honestly honeys, if you haven't seen this fantastic, better-than-anything-made-for-tv-in-forever series, I can't recommend it enough.  Unfortunately they've cancelled it!๐Ÿ’” After four fab series, what will we do for chuckles and giggles without Minogue, O'Leary, Sarge and Parker keeping order on the streets of Wellington?  Hubby and I are going to be binge watching all four series over the next week, leading to Halloween.๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ 

Over to you then, are you a fellow fan of the WPU?  Will you be doing anything over the next week for Halloween?  Hubby and I still have the treat bags to make up for visiting tiny humans, so no doubt we'll do that while watching and giggling away at the adventures of the WPU.๐Ÿ˜Š  

Till next time dear ones, thank you for keeping me company, stay warm and have fun, hugs always x 

Hugs always, Rosie x

Sunday 23 October 2022

What Would Be At The End Of Your Rainbow?๐ŸŒˆ

Hi Honeys, 
How are you today? We've reached day twenty three of Blogtober, can you believe that?  We've had a lovely quiet day today.  It's still raining outside, it's been raining for days, so hubby hasn't been able to cut the grass or clear up the leaves as he'd planned.  I'm actually glad, it's chilly outside and I'd rather he was inside where it's warm with our furbaby Jade and me. 

I'm just not an autumn/winter person honeys.  If I ruled the world... (Love that song, such beautiful lyrics and heavenly voice of Harry Secombe singing them.๐Ÿฅฐ)  Beautiful songs aside though, if I did rule the world, among other changes, I'd have spring and summer in a constant loop.๐ŸŒž  

Goodbye to awful arthritis flares all through winter that try to turn me into a human pretzel.  Goodbye to losing all of the leaves for months from the gorgeous sycamore trees that line the back of our garden.  Goodbye to the almost constant smirry rain, the kind that seeps through your clothes and chills you right through to your bones.  

Mostly though honeys, goodbye to the more than eighteen hours of complete darker-than-midnight darkness we have in the deepest part of winter.  The darkness pulls the life out of me, it really does.  Happiness can be so much harder to find in those dark, winter months.  Is it any wonder that every year I long to hibernate until spring arrives and countdown the days?  It's one hundred and forty seven days actually, in case you're curious.๐Ÿ˜Š     

Wishes & Rainbows, what would be at the end of your rainbow honeys?

Have you ever wished you could find the end of a rainbow?  I have.  As a child I'm sure I read, or maybe I was told, that at the end of a rainbow would be a little magical being who would grant wishes if found.  

As I got older I read the magical being was a leprechaun, that he would have a crock of gold and if you caught him he'd either give you his crock of gold or would grant you a wish.  Well, even as a child this completely appalled me! 

Setting out to find the end of a rainbow would be an adventure, exactly the sort of thing that would appeal to my younger, Famous Five & Secret Seven novel loving self.๐Ÿ˜Š   To find it and to then demand personal property with menaces from the little person you find there, be it his gold (what if it's his pension!) or the granting of wishes, well, that's just not right!  I know, even as a child I over-thought everything.  I used to worry about the relative lack of supervisory adults in the Charlie Brown stories too, you know...

Rainbows & wishes..

What if instead, when we see a rainbow, especially a double rainbow like the one above, what if we just close our eyes and make a wish.  Not just any wish though, what if we give ourselves permission to wish for whatever we want more than anything else?  

Making wishes doesn't work Rosie! I hear you say.  OK then, suppose you're right?  What if wishing for the thing you want most doesn't make it magically appear?  Well, then at least you got to see a beautiful rainbow and now you're left with a clearer understanding of what you really want in life.  Now all you need is a plan... 

As beautiful Ms Mia Angelou said "your dreams won't work unless you do..."  Maybe by suspending disbelief, just for a moment, by allowing yourself to wish for what you want most, you would give yourself a destination, a goal. Maybe that's the real gift?   

Personally though, I'm not willing to give up on making wishes and hoping they'll come true.  It's been my experience, just sometimes, they do.  Just not always exactly how you expect them to.  Maybe sometimes we're sent what we need instead of what we want?  

Wishing all of your dreams come true honeys.๐Ÿ’– Till next time, thank you for keeping me company.  It means more than I can say, hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

Saturday 22 October 2022

Anyone Else Adore Gnomes?

Hi Honeys,
It's all getting to be a little gnomie around here.๐Ÿ˜Š  

Anybody else adore gnomes?

I wasn't ever really a gnome person.... Now they seem to be taking over our home. ๐Ÿ˜„  Today, when hubby picked up our grocery shop, he brought home these two adorable little gnomies to join our growing collection... (thank you sweetheart x)

Anybody else adore gnomes?

They appear to be popping up all over our home, peeping out from bookcases and shelves, and I don't mind at all, not even a wee bit.๐Ÿ˜Š

Some of them even remind me of Hubby and I....

Anybody else adore gnomes?

If Hubby & I were gnomes, we'd look exactly like this adorable little gnomie couple.๐Ÿ’– 

We have gnomies with a Harry Potter theme (one of whom is a meerkat and just too adorable!) and we even have a tribute to Her Majesty, our beloved Queen Elizabeth, from the Jubilee this year too, which even has a little corgi gnomie.๐Ÿ’– 

There's no use fighting it honeys, I think the gnomies are taking over our home and I really don't mind at all.๐Ÿฅฐ Do you like gnomes?  Are you collecting gnomes too?๐Ÿ˜Š

I hope these little gnomies made you smile too honeys.๐Ÿ’– Till next time, stay warm and hugs always x 

Anybody else adore gnomes?

Friday 21 October 2022

Why Halloween is my favourite holiday๐ŸŽƒ

Hi Honeys, 
I'm getting the winter mehs already, I think. As the saying goes, my get up and go has got up and gone.  

It's October, I'm working happily, trying to complete Blogtober.  October is also, of course, the month of my favourite "holiday" (is Halloween a holiday?) so I should be happier than happy right now.  

Why Halloween is my favourite holiday - Happy Halloween Everybody๐ŸŽƒ

I so look forward to Halloween every year.  At work we used to all dress up.  One of my favourite memories is the year I managed to convince a tiny human that I was actually a student at Hogwarts.๐Ÿ˜Š 

What's not to love about Halloween? ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ 

A couple of years ago we started to decorate our tiny entryway by the front door and that's fun. We make up bags of treats for our little visitors, that's always fun.  Every year we spend weeks buying different sweets as well as tiny things like bottles of bubbles, balloons and plastic spiders.๐Ÿ•ท  

Once the trick or treaters have collected their treat bags, hubby and I will usually watch a couple of favourite spooky movies (original Ghostbusters anybody?) or maybe we'll binge watch some favourite ghostly tv series with snacks. 

Halloween preparation begins... ๐ŸŽƒ๐ŸŽƒ  

Well, we took out the big box of decorations to decorate our tiny entryway at the front door and even that didn't cheer me up honeys. Still, this weekend we're going to make a start on making up the little treat bags and that always makes me smile, so, maybe that will help to chase away the mehs?  

Of course there's also some baking to do too, that always cheers me up.๐Ÿ˜Š  There are gingerbread cookies to make, they're one of hubby's favourites.  If you'd like to make them too, you can find the recipe (and a free spooky printable to download) here honeys.  Enjoy.๐Ÿ’– Now that I have lots of lovely stevia products, I think there will be extra baking this year.  Something hubby and I will do together as always.  We have such fun together cooking.  I was truly blessed honeys, to marry my best friend.๐Ÿ’–

Do you have any holiday traditions?  What's your favourite holiday? Have you started on your holiday prep?  

Till next time dear ones, stay warm and hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie x

Thursday 20 October 2022

All Set For Holiday Baking And Sharing A (Very Healthy) Baked Doughnut Recipe๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿช๐Ÿฐ

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote any products, I'm just really, really (really!) excited to be able to start making plans for some proper holiday baking this year yaaaaayyy๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿช๐Ÿฐ

Hi Honeys, 
I'm happy!!  No, I'm more than happy... I'm excited, thrilled, exhilarated....  As a Scot, I feel I can quite properly say, honeys, that I'm a wee chuffed thing (that's a small happy person๐Ÿ˜„)

What's made me happy, you ask? Well, this happened...

New Truvia products mean I'm all set for my holiday baking yaaaaay!!

For a while now, since I was diagnosed with diabetes, I've been making little changes in how I live and particularly, in how I cook.  

I wasn't ever a sugary person, never adding it to my tea, only using it when I baked really.  So I was thrilled (and chuffed๐Ÿ˜Š) to find there were healthier ways to bake, such as products made using the stevia leaf.๐Ÿƒ  

This led to my discovering Truvia.  Truvia certainly wasn't the cheapest stevia product on the shelf but, having tried a few of them, it was the one we preferred.  So, for the past couple of years those tiny, square, green containers have appeared regularly in our shopping basket.  

The discovery...

Then, while aimlessly clicking on Pinterest one evening, I spotted a link showing some yummy looking baked goods and the truvia logo!  "Recipes!" I thought.  Now, by this time of course, I'd been experimenting and had discovered my own preferred ratio of truvia to (replace) sugar in a few favourite recipes.  The idea of new recipes to try was quite exciting to me.๐Ÿ˜€ 

So, I clicked the link.  Only to discover there were in fact some lovely recipes but they were made using products unavailable in the UK!๐Ÿ˜ฒ Oh no!!  

To say I was disappointed is an understatement.  I couldn't buy these new (to me) Truvia products unless I flew to USA to buy them.  The range included a caster sugar, a brown sugar (I could make cookies!!) and even an icing sugar product!!

Then this happened...

They're here!! In the UK!!  I can bake for the holidays!! I am officially " a wee chuffed thing๐Ÿ˜ƒ"

New Truvia products mean I'm all set for my holiday baking yaaaaay!!

Most of the larger supermarkets seem to have them (online) it seems but the best thing is the price.  We bought these packs for £2 each and given that we pay around £5 for each little (270g) container of the original truvia, that's surprising to me (in a good way.)  

In the photo above, there are icing sugar (pink label) which contains 280g, caster sugar (with the orange label) which has 360g and finally there is the brown sugar (with the brown label and did I mention I can make cookies? yaaaaay๐Ÿ˜‹) which has 320g.    

Now I can make my (healthier) doughnuts and even make guilt-free-icing to coat them with.๐Ÿ˜€ 

I love making my (healthier) doughnuts and now I can ice them too!

I know it must seem like a really silly thing to be happy about but I really do love to bake.  I don't get to do much of anything these days (because of the osteo in my spine) but it does mean that when I do cook I usually have hubby with me and we do have a laugh while cooking.๐Ÿ’– 

So, yes honeys, I'm looking forward to making some (healthier) doughnuts and making some Christmas๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„ (and Halloween๐ŸŽƒ) cookies. 

I love making my (healthier) doughnuts and now I can ice them too!

In case you haven't seen it, you can find my healthier doughnuts recipe here honeys.  Enjoy.๐Ÿ’–  Oh, and before I forget, and I know it might be different for everyone because we all have different tastes, but after lots of attempts, I discovered the best ratio of (ordinary granulated type version) truvia when I made the doughnuts was to take the recipe (I used a sponge type recipe so technically they're actually cake-nuts?) and divide the sugar measurement by three.  

I used 75g of truvia/stevia instead of the 225g of caster sugar the recipe called for.  That's quite a saving on calories, so another bonus.  

Over to you honeys, have you ever baked with healthier alternatives?  What are your favourite holiday recipes?  Have you posted any of them?  If so, why not share your link?  

Till next time, dear ones, stay warm, hugs always x 

Hugs always, Rosie xx