Tuesday 25 October 2022

The Best Cops For Halloween Week! Have You Met The Wellington Paranormal Unit?πŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to recommend these dvds, just sharing in the hope that this wonderful, funny series might be discovered and loved by anybody who might not have seen it yet x

Hi Honeys,  

I'm playing catch up with Blogtober.  I'm sorry I didn't manage to post yesterday, I've been battling a flare of pesky arthritis and yesterday I was just exhausted from it.  It might have won a wee victory yesterday honeys, but I'm determined to catch up and get back on track.  Only another week of Blogtober to go.πŸ’– 

Since we're now in the week leading to Halloween, I thought I'd share one of our favourite TV cop shows. If you've already enjoyed this fabulous series, set in gorgeous Wellington, in New Zealand, I won't need to tell you how perfectly it fits into any fun Halloween countdown week.πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

Have you met the Officers of the Wellington Paranormal Unit yet?

An average shift for Officers Minogue and O'Leary might include dealing with anything from haunted houses (and cars) to zombies, vampires, werewolves and even an alien invasion.πŸ‘½πŸ›Έ 

In fact, during a busy Christmas period they even had to deal with an office photocopier becoming a portal to a hot tub in another realm, not to mention Satan himself arriving to act as a shopping Mall's Santa for their Santa's Grotto!πŸŽ…πŸŽ„ Who knew it could end up being the fault of a typo in the fax requesting a Santa (think about it honeys.... so silly and made me giggle😊)

Have you met the Officers of the Wellington Paranormal Unit yet?

O'Leary and Minogue are joined in their adventures by Sergeant Maaka, also known as Sarge, the head of the WPU (as Minogue tells O'Leary he'd like them to be known, with huge letters on the backs of their jackets of course.😊)  

Sarge runs the Wellington Paranormal Unit from a tiny, hidden room (that everyone knows about) in Police Headquarters that Mulder would feel perfectly at home in.  Sarge is very much a believer in the paranormal.  

Our trio are accompanied on adventures occasionally by Parker.  A fellow police officer, Parker originally turned down a place in the WPU (as did everyone else at the station😊) but changes his mind and wants to join when he sees the cases, and adventures, that Minogue and O'Leary face every shift.

The series is a spin off from an appearance by Minogue and O'Leary in the movie version of What we do in the shadows, which itself has it's own very funny spin off series (although I would say that series is more adult in nature.)  You can see their cameo here.

If you'd like to see a little teaser for this amazing series, you can watch a trailer for series one to three on YouTube here. 

An important public service announcement from Officer O'Leary!  You can see it here.

This is a character guide from last year when the series was launched in USA.

Honestly honeys, if you haven't seen this fantastic, better-than-anything-made-for-tv-in-forever series, I can't recommend it enough.  Unfortunately they've cancelled it!πŸ’” After four fab series, what will we do for chuckles and giggles without Minogue, O'Leary, Sarge and Parker keeping order on the streets of Wellington?  Hubby and I are going to be binge watching all four series over the next week, leading to Halloween.πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ 

Over to you then, are you a fellow fan of the WPU?  Will you be doing anything over the next week for Halloween?  Hubby and I still have the treat bags to make up for visiting tiny humans, so no doubt we'll do that while watching and giggling away at the adventures of the WPU.😊  

Till next time dear ones, thank you for keeping me company, stay warm and have fun, hugs always x 

Hugs always, Rosie x

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