Sunday 9 October 2022

Sharing A Smile And Introducing The Tiniest, Cutest Gnome...

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to recommend any products, or shops, just wanted to share a little smile for Blogtober.

Hi Honeys

Back again for day nine of Blogtober and today, since the last few posts have been quite long reads (sorry honeysπŸ€—) yesterdays post, where I set my MP3 player to shuffle and listed the first fifteen songs it played, was a lot of fun though.  Among my favourite blogs posts to write (and to read!) are posts where both the writer and the reader are surprised together.  

I have the most fun listing the tracks as they play and, since it has a large memory and a lot (really a lot) of tracks stored on it, it can pull up songs I haven't heard in quite a while, so hearing music I haven't heard in a while not only brings back lots of memories but makes me smile too.😊 

Back to today then and, as I said, since the last few posts have been quite long with lots to read, I thought today we'd just share a wee smile...

Sharing a smile on a rainy day with the tiniest, cutest gnome...

Do you remember I recently shared that I have a small (but growing) collection of gnomes honeys?  I don't have very many so far but I am very fond of them.   During this year's jubilee celebration I even created a little tribute to our much loved, beautiful Queen, now sadly passed, and her beloved husband Prince Philip.  There were little, adorable gnomes released and even a tiny corgi tooπŸ’–

Hubby recently brought me the tiniest, cutest little gnome I think I've ever seen...(thank you sweetheart x)

Sharing a smile on a rainy day with the tiniest, cutest gnome...

😍 I just made a small squeal noise again!πŸ˜„ Isn't she adorable honeys?  I've decided to call her Ella, no idea why, it just seems to suit her.πŸ’– Well, Ella is clearly the happiest gnome because look how much fun she's having on her tiny pink swing.  

She's part of the fairy garden collection, found in places like Poundland or One Below (I'm fairly certain Hubby had said he spotted her in one of those two) so she'll fit alongside the collection of fairy garden items I already have.  The other pieces are safely packed away in a box upstairs until next spring when I'm hoping to create a tiny fairy garden in our back garden.

Tiny Ella gnome has a couple of little things I have to fix, nothing really difficult though.  As you can see below, there is excess glue still on the top corner of the swing, but I can fix that quite easily.    

Sharing a smile on a rainy day with the tiniest, cutest gnome...

There are also a few loose threads around the front of the little gnomes hat and the ropes of the swing.  It might be traces of adhesive used to attach her to the frame?   

I think she's just adorable honeys, from her tiny hat with pink polka dots to her little red shoes.πŸ’–

Sharing a smile on a rainy day with the tiniest, cutest gnome...

Are you a gnome fan honeys?  What's made you smile this weekend? Hoping you're staying warm and safe in all of this rain and the high winds.  Till next time, dear ones, hugs always xx  

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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