Tuesday 15 October 2019

Blogtober Day 15: My Five Favourite Things About Autumn/Fall...

Hi Honeys,
How are you today? I hope you're having the best week so far and staying warm. It's such a beautiful day outside.  The sun is shining and if it wasn't so chilly I could almost fool myself into thinking it was March and not October 😊

I know I keep on about not being a fan of this time of year and how I want to hibernate every year, and I so do, but today I thought I'd stop being such a moaning Minnie and actually find some positives about this time of year 🍂 

My Autumn/Fall favourites: While it's not my favourite time of year, there are a few things I do love about Autumn...

So, yes, I miss Summer and yes I'm literally counting down to Spring arriving again.  The weather has not been playing fair by being so horrible, so I've started my yearly countdown early this year and already have workmates rolling their eyes at me 😄

If pushed though (and if I keep winding up workmates by counting down to Spring in months, weeks and days I just might be lol) I will admit there are certain bits of Autumn/Fall that I do actually like.

Here we are then honeys, for Blogtober day 15, here are my favourite bits of Autumn/Fall...

1. Hubby & Jade on leaf control 🍂

My 5 favourite things about Autumn/Fall:  Watching Jade and her dad have fun clearing the leaves in the garden.

The fun those two have out in the back garden!  Hubby gathers all of the fallen leaves up and Jade loves to play in them.  For every pile of leaves he gathers, Jade will run though or into them and he doesn't even mind, bless him 💖 

Of course, it's a lot easier now he has his leaf blower/mulcher type thing to tidy up after all that fun but even when he only had a rake he would still build those leaf piles for Jade 😍💕

Jade will even bring him the odd leaf or two.  Our furbaby is very, very smart, she was sorted into Ravenclaw after all 😊 and I'm sure she watches her Dad collecting all of those leaves and seeks out special leaves for his collection 😊😍 

So, yes, I love to watch Jade and her Dad having fun in the garden together, and I wouldn't swap any of those memories for anything 💖 

2. Halloween Fun 🎃

My 5 favourite things about Autumn/Fall:  Halloween decor and making up treat bags for trick or treaters always makes me smile :)

Halloween is my absolute favourite holiday honeys.  It's what makes the dark, dreary, cold and rainy month of October bearable for me.  Every year we spend weeks buying lots of treats to make up bags for tiny trick or treaters, planning decor and one year at work I even managed to convince a tiny human that not only was Hogwarts a real school but that I went there too 😊

We already have two huge bags of Halloween sweets, balloons, little glow in the dark skeletons and spiders waiting to be made up into treat bags and I think we're going to do that this coming weekend, so yes, Halloween is definitely one of my Autumn favourites 😊

3. All Change In The Kitchen 🍝 

My 5 favourite things about Autumn/Fall:  It's all change from salads with everything to warming bowls of hot soup and huge pots of stovies

The days get shorter and chillier and our meal planning board in the hall changes over from salads with everything to warming bowls of soup and huge pots of stovies 😋

4. Watching Favourite DVD Box sets With Hubby & Jade 📀

My 5 favourite things about Autumn/Fall:  Binge watching favourite box sets to forget about the chilly weather outside.

The weather outside can be as icky as it wants to be honeys, we just spend our evenings snug as a bug like in our lovely warm living room.  Curtains lightly closed against the cold and rain outside and happily watching movies or binge watching a favourite TV series box set.  Bliss!

5.  Creamy Mugs Of Hot Chocolate & Mini Marshmallows ☕  

My 5 favourite things about Autumn/Fall:  A creamy mug of hot chocolate to forget about the chilly weather outside.

A warming mug of creamy, chocolatey, goodness with tiny marshmallows is the perfect addition to a cold winters evening.  Add Hubby, a huge Sherpa throw to snuggle under with Jade on the sofa and a couple of old favourite TV series to watch and you have the makings of a perfect evening 💖

So, there we have it honeys.  Maybe Autumn/Fall isn't so bad after all 🍂  I'm still going to bug everybody with that countdown to March though 😄 

Till next time dear ones, thank you for keeping me company 💖  Stay warm, smile lots and hug even more, hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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