Thursday 4 April 2019

Spring Arrives And Brings New Life To The Garden...

Hi Honeys
How has your week been so far?  Full of smiles and all good things I hope 💖  Yesterday, we had the loveliest rain.  It wasn't heavy, depressing rain (we've had more than our share of that over the winter months) it was more a series of short showers really, it was spring rain and it made the garden look so pretty 🌹

I was standing at the back door, looking out into the garden and spotted how much our much loved peonies had grown in just a couple of days!  Naturally, I grabbed my camera in the hope of being able to share a beautiful, Scottish spring afternoon 💗 

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden.

This really is my favourite time of year.  I adore spring honeys, I love to watch the garden wake up from its long winter nap, to see new shoots on plants and most of all to see our much loved roses come back.  I so miss our roses in winter!

Speaking of roses, our beloved peonies seemed to be enjoying the rain showers...

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - beautiful peonies have started to appear.

In no time at all they'll burst into colour as they do every year, a beautiful, deep burgundy shade of red...

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - soon the peonies will bloom and be beautiful.

Every year these precious peonies become stunningly beautiful flowers, last year they were just outstanding honeys...

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - last summer the peonies were stunning.

While I was in the garden I went over to our little apple tree and, sure enough, the apple blossom has begun to appear...

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - blossom has begun to appear on our little apple tree.

Soon, as with the peonies, the apple tree will bloom and will be beautiful.  Last year's apple blossom of course led to our first real harvest of lovely Bramley apples.  Lovely apple crumbles and apple turnovers all made from apples grown in our own little garden! Such joy honeys 💖

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - last year the beautiful blossom on our little apple tree brought a huge crop of Bramley apples.

Soon after we moved into our home we bought, and planted, our little apple tree and a blueberry shrub.  As you can see the blueberry shrub has also started to grow it's lovely leaves and will eventually be covered in so many blueberries.

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - new shoots on the blueberry shrub will bring food for our tiny garden visitors.

The last few years have brought so many blueberries honeys!  This little blueberry shrub was planted in the hope that it would become a food source for visiting wildlife and so it has 😊

I love to stand at the kitchen window and watch our tiny garden birds hopping about the lawn and eating the blueberries 💖

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - we planted this blueberry shrub as a food source for all of our tiny garden visitors.

I really needed a boost to my mood this week, I've been feeling so weary, drained from arthritis pain and not being able to get on with projects I want to do in our home and as always our lovely little garden made me smile 😊

Another lovely surprise, just as with how quickly the peonies had grown in only a couple of days, was all of the new growth in our lavender. 

Spring arrives and brings new life to the garden - right outside our back door our lavender is already scenting the air with it's beautiful aroma.

The lavender lives in a huge planter by the back door and always fills the air with the most gorgeous aroma. 

I hope you're seeing lots of signs of spring arriving too honeys, I so love this time of year, full of hopes for new beginnings, an end to the long, dark days of less than six hours daylight we have in a Scottish winter and, of course, with a little luck, the chance of long, sun filled days to peg out laundry 💖💖💖 

We were chatting about it at work on Saturday and I was surprised to hear so many people say they don't mind winter! Winter is incredibly unkind to spoonies and even setting the weather trying to twist me into a human pretzel aside (ouchie) the far-too-long days of nothingness drain me.  Hand on heart honeys, if I could I would have my year be on a permanent loop that starts in March and ends in September 😃

Do you have a favourite time of year honeys?  Are you a spring fan like me?  Do you prefer the summer months?  Are you an autumn fan or, like some of my co-workers, do you prefer the staying-home-cosy-by-the-fire of winter? 

I hope you've had a fabulous week and and are looking forward to a wonderful weekend dear ones, till next time, hugs always xx

Huggles Always, Rosie x 


  1. Yay - spring is finally here! I saw some flowers growing for the first time the other day, and I was so excited :) Love your pictures!
    -Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake

    1. Hi Jenna, it's so nice to see you again x I loved your latest post! I hadn't heard about Henrietta Lacks before but I've added the book you mentioned to my "to read" list, it's shameful that neither she nor her family have ever been compensated for her contribution to science. I've also added "overdressed: The shockingly high price of fast fashion" to my reading list too, the pollution alone caused by the dyes and by the actual manufacturing process of cheap clothes not to mention the shockingly low wages paid to workers all make fast fashion shameful. Thank you so much for visiting and for your wonderful post, I'm always on the look out for good books to read and love having books recommended, have a wonderful weekend Jenna, hugs x
