Saturday 6 April 2019

Latest Little Hogwarts Smiles 🐍

Disclaimer:  I'm not being paid to recommend any products or stores, I just wanted to share some smiles x

Hi Honeys,
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far.  It was such a lovely day yesterday, our furbaby Jade and I pegged out some laundry 😊 It's still a little chilly in the wind but it was such a lovely day I didn't mind all that much and the winds dried my laundry in no time.

I have to dash to work soon but I thought I'd share a smile or two before I go 😊

Latest little Hogwarts smiles...

Do you remember the bag my dear Hubby brought me home as a surprise recently?

Latest little Hogwarts smiles - This has to be one of my favourite bags so far!

Well, I had a thought.  I've noticed so many "attachments" to handbags recently, you know, items similar to the tiny gorillas attached to Kipling bags?  I've seen these little "bag charms" in lots of different designs. Some are made from beads, some from brightly coloured pom poms, there are large sparkly initials... lots of different designs. 

Wouldn't it be fun, I thought, to add a bag charm to my new bag?

To be honest I really didn't like the idea of pom poms (although Primark do have furry pom pom bag charms in the colours of all four houses) so I decided to rummage through my Potter collectables I did it! I found the perfect bag charm! 

Do you remember the Hogwarts uniform keyrings from Primark?  Hubby had bought me the Slytherin version 🐍  I still love looking at it.  I love the details in it.
Latest little Hogwarts smiles - having decided to add a "bag charm" I knew exactly where to look!

Once fetched from upstairs it was quickly attached to the loop that holds the shoulder strap at the side of the bag and this is how it looks...

Latest little Hogwarts smiles - I'm loving how the uniform keyring looks on my bag, don't you think it makes a perfect "bag charm" honeys?

What do you think honeys?  Have you ever used a keyring as a bag charm?

New packaging for Harry Potter items at Primark

Hubby came home with a couple of little surprises for me this week (thank you sweetheart x)  He's always on the lookout for collectables or little smiles for me and he sometimes pops into Primark to check if they have any new items in πŸ’—  While in Primark he spotted a beautiful new quill pen.

It has the same new packaging as the label that was attached to the Slytherin bag.  Is this Primark's new range I wonder?  The previous packaging was blue with the logo printed on and this new packaging says "Harry Potter Wizarding World" on it. 

Latest little Hogwarts smiles - How perfect is this quill pen honeys?

I originally thought this new quill pen, which, as you can see, is black with Hogwarts printed on it in white, was smaller than the earlier released Slytherin quill pen but as you can see honeys, they are exactly the same size and only the packaging is smaller.

Latest little Hogwarts smiles - Both quill pens are the same size, one with Hogwarts printed across it and the other, of course, has Slytherin.

The quill pens are from Primark and are priced at £1.50.  I really didn't think that Primark could beat the beautiful Slytherin quill pen but they've outdone themselves with the new one I think.

Wouldn't these quill pens be perfect for cosplay, for anyone who goes to conventions?  I haven't been to a convention in a long time though so for me I'll be happy that they'll look beautiful on my desk πŸ’– 

Last but not least then honeys, is this necklace Hubby also found in Primark.  It was reduced to £1 and also has the older blue packaging too...

Latest little Hogwarts smiles - This necklace is adorable! It has a Slytherin school tie and a lightning bolt on it.

Is it possible that Primark are clearing all of the stock with the older packaging?  Has anyone seen this happening at their local Primark? 

Isn't this necklace sweet?  It has a gold coloured chain with a golden lightening bolt alongside a Slytherin school tie🐍 

Have you spotted anything in Primark with the new labelling? Are you a Potter fan like me? Have you made any interesting finds recently?  I love that it's so much easier (and far less expensive) than it used to be to find so many fabulous collectables.

Well, time is rolling on honeys and I have to dash or I'll be late for my shift. Till next time, have a wonderful weekend dear ones, smile lots and hug even more, hugs always x 

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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