Thursday 18 April 2019

Fun With Air Dry Modelling Clay: A Smile Filled Afternoon Of Crafting :)

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to recommend any products or stores, just wanted to share a fun new hobby :)

Hi Honeys,
How are you today?  It's been such a beautiful, sunny day outside today and, with the help of my trusty assistant, our furbaby Jade, I had the best day pegging out laundry 😊 

Well, to be fair, I did all of the actual pegging of clothes but Jade always keeps me company.  Jade is in charge of smiles and dropping her ball into my laundry basket to remind me to throw it for her 💗

Other than loving the beautiful perfect-for-laundry weather, I've been dipping my toes into the pool of a new hobby this week too.  It really has been such a lot of fun honeys and I thought I'd share it with you...

Fun with air dry modelling clay: experimenting with a new crafting hobby.

Have you ever tried modelling with air drying clay?  I have to admit that my knowledge of modelling is limited to many happy hours spent playing with Plasticine as a child, but of course that was a (very) long time ago 😊

Plasticine can obviously be re-modelled over and over again. Making it perfect to keep tiny humans occupied and happy during playtime. 

The same is only partially true with the air dry clay I've been using.  It can, of course, be rolled out and modelled into different shapes and designs repeatedly but over time it will begin to harden and set into it's final shape.

Because of this, it's important to only have the amount of clay required for the task at hand out of the packaging and to immediately seal the rest into an air tight container.

This is the clay I used honeys...

Fun with air dry modelling clay: experimenting with a new crafting hobby.

I bought it from The Works and, at £4 for a large kilo pack, it wasn't too expensive to be able to try out a potential new hobby.  They have smaller packs too for around £2 I think.  Having opened the pack and cut a piece off,  I then folded the packaging closed again and popped it into one of the ever-present-in-our-kitchen Istad clip seal bags from Ikea.

I then remembered a rolling pin I'd bought some time ago from Lakeland.  It's patterned, intended to be used when cake decorating, but I've never gotten around to using it and it was still sitting in it's packaging.   
Fun with air dry modelling clay: a patterned rolling pin leaves a beautiful design on the clay.

I've now decided this rolling pin will be kept exclusively for clay modelling, it left such a pretty pattern on the clay.  Let's have a look at what I made shall we honeys?  Don't expect too much, remember I'm only a beginner and even though I adore crafting, I'm not lucky enough to be gifted in the way so many others are who have a natural talent.

Let's take a look...

Fun with air dry modelling clay: a smile filled afternoon of crafting :)

I'm smiling again dear ones 😊  I had such, such fun making these!  As you can see it's quite a mix of designs.  Starting at the top left hand side there are two Doctor Who characters, a Cyberman and K9, there are some pretty butterfly shapes, which I planned to turn into a sort of hanging mobile so I made holes (using a pencil) to thread the ribbons through.  I also made a dress, a shoe, a lipstick and a perfume bottle too.

Having cut out my shapes, and added a pattern to some of them (before cutting them out) I left them to dry overnight on some baking paper/parchment.  Next morning they had dried and "set" and, today,  I set about the equally fun part of decorating them 😊

I have some acrylic paint and some permanent markers and thought I'd use these but then I had an idea.   

Among my make up collection upstairs I had some nail polishes that will never be used.  I can't remember the last time I wore nail polish honeys, well, I remembered having the prettiest, glittery, sparkly polish that was completely clear except for the glitter. 

Important: I opened all of the windows to allow the smell of the polish to escape.  I've never liked the smell of nail polish, it's very strong and it is a chemical after all.  It's better to be safe.

As you can see, although I couldn't manage to capture the sparkle properly in the photos I'm afraid, it was just a perfect way to decorate these pretty butterflies...
Fun with air dry modelling clay: once dried the butterflies were given a glittery top coat to make them sparkle.

When dried, I added pretty dark blue ribbon to them and this happened...

Fun with air dry modelling clay: I then tied the butterflies together using pretty dark blue ribbons.

I'm so, so happy with how these turned out 💝  When they're hung up they'll be so pretty and will catch the light perfectly when they move. 

I'm married to a huge Doctor Who fan, so I wanted to make something that would make him smile too 😊  With the help of a couple of cookie cutters and some silver acrylic paint, these adorable little characters appeared.  Hubby did indeed smile and was really pleased with them, bless him 💗
Fun with air dry modelling clay: using two Doctor Who cookie cutters I made a Cyberman and a K9 :)

These last clay creations were decorated using permanent markers.  On the packaging, it said these pens have lots of uses including stone painting which I'm hoping to try too.  For now though I used them to  do this...

Fun with air dry modelling clay: shaped cookie cutters helped me to make a lipstick, a shoe and a pretty perfume bottle.

this was such fun honeys and given that I have no artistic talent at all (although I've always wished I did and am in awe of those who do) I'm really pleased with how they turned out.  I still have to decorate the little dress shape, I'll do that tomorrow I think 😊 

I'll definitely be using the rest of this block of clay and might even order another pack.  I'm thinking of trying to make some little accessories for a fairy garden I'm hoping to make for the back garden.  Tiny things like plant pots, maybe a little wheel barrow or a wishing well? 

I hope you've had a wonderful, smile filled day too honeys.  Have you ever tried modelling?  Do you have a favourite crafting pastime or hobby? 

Till next time dear ones, smile lots and hug even more, hugs always x

Huggles Always, Rosie x

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