Friday 19 April 2019

A Whole New Use For Those Hogwarts Ticket Boxes...

Hi Honeys
How are you today?  We've had a lovely, quiet week here.  I've even had time to work on some crafting projects, including the one I wanted to share today 😊

Do you remember a recent trip to Primark where I bought some quite wonderfully packaged, Harry Potter themed, fluffy bed socks?

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes...

I knew I had to do something with the fabulous little boxes the socks were packaged in and today I finally did 😊

I can't wait to show you how I've re-purposed them, why not grab a cuppa, and maybe a cookie, and meet me back here in a few minutes...

Welcome back honeys ❤  Let's take a closer look at those boxes will we?

Honestly, I can't help smiling when I look at them, they're adorable!  They're also quite sturdy little boxes and they close using little Velcro dots on the lids...

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes...

I'd had an idea that they would make a great home for my Potter badges and today I thought I'd see if it might work.

First, of course, I opened the boxes to remove the fluffy socks.  The packaging included a clear plastic lid or cover, serving to protect the socks.  I kept this and put it to one side for later...
A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: these lovely boxes were originally packaging for fluffy bed socks.

I don't know who thought of this packaging, and the product itself, the softest, fluffiest, bed socks, but whoever you are, thank you.  I love them 💖

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: the fluffy bed socks are removed from the boxes.

So, fluffy socks set to one side too, I'm left with an empty box.  I'll be using a single sheet of A4 size felt and because of this I need to pack the box a little to raise the height of the felt.  I decided to do this by using some of the cotton wool circles I use to put my moisturiser on with and they worked really well...

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: I added circles of cotton wool to the boxes to raise the height of the felt.

Next, I fetched the pack of A4 sized sheets of felt.  There were eight sheets in the pack, all in different colours, and I decided to use the sheet of black felt and the green one too, I mean, most of my pins are Slytherin ones after all honeys 😊

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: to display the badges I used sheets of A4 felt.

I folded the first A4 sheet of felt into three and then pinned the badges through the first two layers.  This left the third piece of felt to act as a form of backing.  This keeps the badge backs safe and also separates them from the cotton wool underneath..

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: I folded the A4 sheet of felt into 3 parts, pinning the badges through two of them, leaving the third section as a backing.

When the badges were pinned (in their sets) on either side of the felt, this created a small "pocket" in the middle of the felt.  I used this to store the chain of the little Slytherin tie necklace Hubby had bought me recently from Primark (thank you sweetheart x) with the tie and lightning bolt parts displayed on the felt between the two sets of badges...

With this done I placed the felt into one of the boxes...

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: The felt containing the badges (and a necklace) is then placed into the box.

Do you remember the protective plastic cover that was keeping the fluffy socks clean and safe honeys?  I placed it back into the box and it's now covering the badges and necklace and keeping them safe too...

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: I then added the plastic which had originally acted as a protective cover for the fluffy socks, back into the box to protect the badges.

I then set about repeating these steps with the piece of black felt and the other two sets of badges...

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: I then repeated the same actions with the other box and badges.

The beautiful pendant in the photo above was, again, a surprise gift from Hubby.  He bought it when he was at Comic Con some time ago (thank you sweetheart x)

Again, I covered the badges and pendant with the clear plastic box insert and I was all done honeys 💖

Now my badges have a safe home to prevent scratches or damage and they look pretty being displayed in these adorable little boxes too I think 😊  What do you think honeys?

A whole new use for those Hogwarts ticket boxes: I'm so pleased at how this mini recycling project worked out honeys.

Of course you don't need to use these boxes in particular, I was just lucky to have found them on sale is all and wanted to re-use them.   This project would work just as well on any container you choose honeys. 

Why not recycle any box you like with the addition of fablon/sticky back plastic/vinyl or even pretty wrapping paper? 

Do you like to recycle and reuse boxes or pretty packaging as much as I do?  I love finding new ways to reuse things 😊

Whatever you're doing this weekend dear ones, have fun, smile lots and hug even more 💗  Till next time, hugs always x

Huggles always, Rosie xx  

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