Tuesday 30 April 2019

Have You Tried Spiralizing Yet? Zucchini Noodles In Cream Cheese... Yum!

Disclaimer: I haven't been paid to promote any products, I just wanted to share a little culinary experiment that worked out really well x

Hi Honeys
I've been having the most fun with a new kitchen gadget and had to share.  The thing is though, in search of some mention of (or dare I hope recipes?) I typed spiralizing into a search bar and wow does it seem that I'm late to the spiralizing craze!

Oh well, better late than never I suppose 😊  I'm trying to cut carbs, having been diagnosed recently with diabetes, and the idea that I can swap out things like courgettes (zucchini) for pasta is just awesome.

After experimenting recently by making one of Hubby's favourite dinners, a lovely cheesy lasagne, using long slices of courgette/zucchini in place of pasta, I'm loving the idea and wanted to try other recipes.  I then spotted my new favourite kitchen gadget online (on sale too!) and immediately hit "add to cart"

Which brings us to spiralizing...

Have you tried spiralizing yet honeys?

Our new spiralizer (a Kenwood electric one) was delivered, washed and set up.  I fetched two courgettes and a large carrot and away I went.  This was my first attempt...

My first attempt at spiralizing and cream cheese zucchini noodles recipe:  I spiralized two zucchini (courgettes) and added a carrot to make it look pretty :)

So, now, having lots of lovely veggie noodles, the question was, what to do with them...

I fetched a flat cookie sheet, added a layer of aluminium baking foil, gave it a little mist with our ever present spray bottle of olive oil and added the lovely fresh veggie noodles...
My first attempt at spiralizing and cream cheese zucchini noodles recipe: The vegetable noodles were laid out on a baking tray and sprayed with a little olive oil before being popped into the oven.

The veggie noodles were then popped into the oven, on the middle shelf (when in doubt I always use the middle shelf, it puts the dish in the centre of the oven where it will have the benefit of all of the heat all around) at 160C for 15 minutes...

I then carefully removed the baking tray from the oven.  The veggie noodles were perfect honeys! Still (just a little) crunchy but definitely cooked 😊 

My first attempt at spiralizing and cream cheese zucchini noodles recipe: 14 minutes later I took them out of the oven, they were piping hot and perfectly cooked.

I toyed with the idea of making a cheese sauce for them but then I remembered I had a carton of cream cheese in the fridge.  The cream cheese was also flavoured with chives too.

My first attempt at spiralizing and cream cheese zucchini noodles recipe: the piping hot noodles were (carefully) placed into a mixing bowl and half a family sized pack of cream cheese stirred through until it melted and coated all of the noodles.

I used silicone tongs to move the veggie noodles, still piping hot, to a mixing bowl and added the cream cheese.  It was a family pack (340g) so I added a little under half of the pack to the mixing bowl and stirred until the noodles were all coated in the lovely cream cheese.

My first attempt at spiralizing and cream cheese zucchini noodles recipe: When the piping hot vegetable noodles have been thoroughly coated in cream cheese I added a little dried Italian herbs and stirred again until combined.

I then added around a level teaspoonful of Italian herbs.  I used the dried Italian herbs from our spice rack because it was all I had on hand but it made the veggie noodles smell (and taste) lovely honeys.

We had some of these veggie noodles for dinner with a tuna steak and a baked jacket potato...
My first attempt at spiralizing and cream cheese zucchini noodles recipe: the extra yummy vegetable noodles in cream cheese were served with a baked jacket potato and an oven cooked tuna steak for dinner and were a huge hit!

Super healthy and super tasty too 😋 yum!!  Hubby liked it so much he took some to work for lunch next day with another jacket potato 😊

This was my first attempt at using a spiralizer honeys and it was so much fun, not to mention an incredibly easy way to make vegetables a little more interesting (and tasty!)  We'll definitely get a lot of use out of this little gadget I think. 

We do love pasta so I'm hoping that by using a spiralizer I can continue to swap vegetables, such as courgettes, parsnips and maybe sweet potatoes, for the pasta element in some of our favourite recipes 😊 

The courgette lasagne was a big hit and now we've tried veggie noodles too.  I'd like to try making some homemade hash browns (rather than the frozen ones that usually live in our freezer.)  I'm wondering if I could swap cauliflower or maybe broccoli for the potato in the hash brown recipe to lower the carbohydrate content?

I'll definitely be making these veggie noodles again though honeys,  we both really enjoyed them and they made the perfect side dish to a jacket potato.  Next time I make them though I think I'll put the raw noodles into a mixing bowl and then add a little olive oil and any herbs I want to add (it's fun to experiment, maybe I'll add a few basil leaves and some oregano next time?) and mix them all through before placing the noodles onto the baking tray and into the oven.

Have you tried spiralizing honeys?  Do you have any spiralizing tips or favourite recipes I could try?  I'm really enjoying finding new ways to make recipes healthier and best of all Hubby is on board too, bless him 💖   

I hope your week is off to a great start dear ones, till next time, smile lots and hug even more 😘 Hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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