Thursday, 8 October 2020

Blogtober Day 8: 5 Fun Things You Can Do If You Have To Stay Home...

 Disclaimer:  I have not been paid to promote any products, just sharing what's helping me to cope with being home during these times we find ourselves in.  Stay safe honeys x 

Hi Honeys, 

It's day 8 of Blogtober and it's day 199 since lock down began.  Of course, the whole country isn't still in lock-down but many people are working from home and others, like me, haven't been anywhere since March because we fall into the vulnerable group to this dreadful virus.  

I thought for today's post I'd share a few of my favourite things to do while I'm forced to stay home and practice my hermit skills 😊  

5 fun things you can do if you have to stay home...

5 Fun Things You Can Do If You Have To Stay Home...

1. Reading

My own little perfect cloud of joy would be picking up a new (even just new to me) book and snuggling under a warm blanket on the sofa with our furbaby Jade (she loves to snuggle with her Mum, bless her.)  Jade goes for a nap and I sit and read.  The only thing that can make these moments more perfect for me is when Hubby is sitting in his armchair (and he'll be reading too, we're readers in our family 💖) 

This is the book I'm currently reading.  I've read so many books on home organisation and decluttering in my quest to find a way to downsize our home to a manageable level.  I'm so far really enjoying this one.  It isn't just a re-hash of everything we've all read a million times, it offers real solutions and is written in a lovely, conversational tone. A bit like the writer is sitting on the sofa chatting to me over a cuppa ☕  I've found that it's helping my mindset too.  I'm actually enjoying decluttering and find myself coping with decisions that might have been far more difficult for me in the past.   

5 things you can do if you have to stay home: Reading.  This is the book I'm currently reading, we're decluttering too :-)

2. Colouring can be so calming... 

I don't sleep very much at all honeys, so I find myself awake and on my own a lot through the night.  I've found that colouring is such a wonderful, calming way to help time pass.  

I can so easily get completely lost in a beautiful page and before I know it, Hubby's alarm is going off and it's 6am 😊  Why not grab a colouring book, there are so, so many available now, some pencils and settle on the sofa for some "me time" honeys?

5 things you can do if you have to stay home: Colouring can be so calming, I don't sleep very much so it's a great way to pass the time when I'm the only one awake during the wee small hours.

3. Baking...

Baking is such a fun way to pass time, even better if you can bake with loved ones, and these donuts were the most fun to make 😊  Hubby and I spent most of the evening in the kitchen, first making them and then decorating them, laughing our heads off 😊 

These donuts are also very healthy donuts because if you use stevia then they can be sugar free (I'm diabetic) and they're also baked instead of fried.  They're sooooooo delicious 😋  If you'd like to try them, you can find the recipe here honeys.  Enjoy 💖

5 things you can do if you have to stay home: Baking is such a fun way to pass time, even better if you can bake with loved ones.  These donuts are sugar free and very healthy.

4. Movie night!

Why not put together some double bills of favourite movies or grab a couple of box sets, make some popcorn and enjoy honeys.  Why not stream that series you keep meaning to watch but haven't gotten around to yet or watch the whole Harry Potter series again (Jade & I watched the first two yesterday) or lose yourself in Mordor with Frodo 😊  Pick your favourites, book your seat on the sofa and have fun honeys 🎬

5 things you can do if you have to stay home: Movie nights.  Why not put together some double bills of favourite movies or grab a couple of box sets, make some popcorn and enjoy honeys x

5. Furbaby hugs.  

Saving the best for last honeys.  If you have a furbaby, you'll know they make every day wonderful just by sharing the sofa or listening when the rest of the world won't.  Give your furbaby a hug honeys, no one will ever love you more than they do 💕  This is our furbaby Jade, she the best, most beautiful, smartest (she was sorted into Ravenclaw you know) wee dog in the whole world.  She even wrote a guest post for her Mummy's blog, and shared one of her birthday days out too.  

Our baby is the centre of our home and is so loved.  A dear co-worker once said that Jade was spoiled and I said that no she wasn't, she's just loved an awful lot and she so is 😊  

5 things you can do if you have to stay home: Furbaby hugs.  Saving the best for last honeys.  If you have a furbaby, you'll know they make every day wonderful just by sharing the sofa or listening when the rest of the world won't.  Give your furbaby a hug honeys, no one will ever love you more than they do x

So, there you have it, how I've been keeping busy while being at home since lock-down began 😊  How have you been passing any extra time at home honeys?  Any suggestions for fun things to do?  

Till next time dear ones, stay warm and safe, hugs always xx  

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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