Friday 6 March 2020

Spring Is On Her Way...

Hello Honeys,
How are you today?  I'm in a very smiley mood 😊  As I write this, our furbaby Jade is cuddled up next to me on the sofa having a nap and our feathered guests are tweeting excitedly, and quite loudly, in the garden at the bird feedersπŸ’–

I've seen two baby sparrows so far this past few days, the peonies are beginning to push their way through the earth in their huge planter by the back door and, even though it's still far too cold to be outside for too long, spring is on her way at last.🌷🌼

Spring is my absolute favourite time of year dear ones.  I count down to it every year, much to the annoyance of everyone at work.  Understandable I suppose, given that I usually start around late October to early November every year and give them all weekly updates. 😊

I love watching the garden wake up from her (too) long winter nap, tiny, green shoots begin to appear on the rose bushes and lavender and yes, tiny, baby birds start to appear at the bird feeders on our little apple treeπŸ’– 

Looking forward to summer...

I've never been able to understand how it is that winter seems to feel as if it's never-ending and yet spring, and summer too, appear to fly past in a heartbeat.

Spring, technically, arrives in exactly two weeks, although someone really should have a word with Mother Nature because with such a relatively mild winter the garden, and all of our garden guests who visit, seem to be a wee bit confused. 

I can't wait to be surrounded by all of the sights, colours, scents and sounds of the garden during summer honeys.  I can't begin to describe how happy it makes me.  Take that arthritis! Happiness is better than any medication in the world. πŸ˜„

Looking forward to summer...

I'm already being woken up before 5 am by the chirping and cheeping in the back garden and I can't imagine a better start to the day. πŸ’

Work on our garden will start as soon as the weather will allow it.  We've had so, so much rain these past few months.  Our street was even flooded a fortnight ago.  None of that will matter though when I'm finally outside with my little trowel and watering can planting out some new lavender.

I've been promising myself all through this cold, windy, storm filled winter that it's the first thing I'll do in the garden this year.  The lavender we have by the back door was especially popular with our beautiful, buzzy guests.🐝  

They didn't even seem to mind my appearing with my camera and trying to snap photos of them.  This one is still my favourite.πŸ’–

Looking forward to summer: Our first task in the garden is to add more lavender for our buzzy friends. They loved it nearly as much as the roses last year :)

I hope you're feeling as happy and as blessed as I am today honeys.  Are you looking froward to spring and summer as much as I am?

You don't need to have a garden to watch things grow, I remember only having a little window box full of daffodils and how much they made me smile.πŸ’–  You don't even need a window box.  If you have a window the sun shines through regularly, you can still have a mini garden in pretty pots 🌻🌼🌷

We all have so much to be grateful for.  I know that life can feel a little joyless at times, especially during long, dark winters, but there is always something beautiful somewhere.  Sometimes we just have to look for it is all.

Be you honeys, you matter, hugs always x

Till next time dear ones, wishing you so many smiles that your face aches (in a good way!) and sending you mountains of hugs x

Huggles always, Rosie x

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