Friday 7 April 2017

We Have A Bumper Crop Of Peony Roses This Year Honeys...

Hi Honeys
How are you today?  I hope this past week has been fabulous for you and has been full of smiles and hugs 😊

It's been a mixed week here I'm afraid.  A combination of not being able to sleep and damp weather tormenting my achey joints have meant I've spent a great deal of this weeks days off work on the sofa wishing the air would stop moving around so much because I swear I could feel it and it hurt.

Luckily though, as always, I had my own little smile generator keeping me company 😊  Our furbaby Jade can always be relied on to make me smile bless her, whether it be by bringing me her toys to throw for her to play fetch with or just by snuggling with her Mum on the sofa to watch TV she's always there 😊  Hubby usually asks her to look after Mum in the morning when he leaves for work and look after me she does 😊

I wanted to share some much needed smiles (by me anyway) before dashing to work honeys...

Bumper Crop Of Peony Roses This Year...

If you could see me right now you'd see a very smiley person who has been grinning so much this past hour that my face is actually starting to ache 😊

As always at this time of year I love to check on the garden and watch everything grow and in particular our roses... you might have noticed if you've read any of this blog before I kinda like roses more than  little bit 😊

Today though I got quite a shock, although in a good  great wonderful way 😃  Wanna see what I found?
OK, we have to go back a little ways to begin.  Our beloved Peonies began to peep through the surface of their huge planter early this year.  It's been a very mild winter and no doubt this has confused them.  Shortly after they'd done this our weather took a turn for the (very) cold and we had frost and a little snow even 😊

I got some fresh compost and covered these delicate early shoots over to keep them safe from the frost and sure enough a few weeks later they started to re-appear again....

Peonies shoots begin to appear again...

This photograph was taken on the 16th March and I was so happy to see the shoots appear looking so healthy and with the very first leaf starting too grow.

Fast forward then to the 31st of March, last Friday, and look how they'd grown honeys...

Peony Roses growing helped by the lovely Scottish rain...

This morning then, when I opened the back door and Jade, my assistant gardener 😊 and I, went to check on them I couldn't believe what we found!   This year we have six, yes six peony rose buds! Nope, there I go grinning again 😊 Can't help it!

The most we've ever had from this peony bush in the over twenty years it's been in this huge planter has been three peonies.  Perfect, beautiful peonies every single year but I can't remember more than three of them at a time.  To this year find we have six beautiful roses in the making is beyond wonderful 😃

In this image, taken around an hour of so ago, four of the rosebuds can be seen, with an additional two rosebuds hiding under the heavy leaves near the back of the plant.  Can you spot the four rosebuds in this image honeys...

Can you spot the peony rose buds?

Here they are...

Here are the rosebuds peeping out to say hello...

In no time at all they'll look like this...

Beautiful Peonies In Full Bloom...

All six of them!  I'm smiling fit to burst while writing this honeys, it's given my mood such a huge boost when, to be honest, I really needed it.  Thank you mother nature, thank you beloved peonies and thank you too dear ones for sharing the smiles with me 😃

If you'd like a copy of the above image you can download a copy here  If you use it for an art or craft project or to illustrate a blog post do come back and leave me a link honeys so I can see it too.  I promise if I visit your site I'll say hello 😃

What's been making you smile this week dear ones?  Whatever you're doing this weekend, do find time to do something just for you. Life gets so busy and so full that sometimes we forget about "me" time but its so important.  Till next time, smile lots and hug even more, huggles always xx

Huggles always dear ones xx

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