Saturday 8 April 2017

An Unexpected Smiley Gift...

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote any products, just sharing a happy smile x

Hi Honeys
I hope your weekend is off to a sunny, smiley start 😊  The weather is improving, or as a co-worker said to me "at least the rain is warmer" 😃 and everyone around me seems to be smiling more too.

I love this time of year.  We're emerging from the almost constant darkness of winter, the days get brighter and our beloved garden is springing to life again.  I don't even mind the rain after all as the saying goes "April showers bring May flowers" and it makes the days when I can peg out laundry mean all the more too 😊

As if garden smiles weren't enough though, and they so are,  my dear, sweet Hubby brought me home a surprise 😊

An Unexpected Smile...

You might have noticed I'm a bit of a Harry Potter fan.  I'd recently been looking at the Potter range at Primark online and when Hubby collected my prescription for me he also brought me home a bag and inside was this...

Harry Potter Gryffindor fleece throw from Primark

It was such a lovely surprise, and it just made my day 😃  It's made from a lovely, cozy soft fleece and measures (according to the attached label) 125cm by 150cm which is roughly 4 feet by 5 feet or single bed size, or in Rosie measurements it's the perfect size to share with our furbaby Jade on the sofa on cold rainy days while we watch TV 😊

Our baby does love blankets for nap-time...

That photo always makes me smile 😊

Quite apart from being Potter related it really is a very beautiful and super soft, throw and the pattern looks like this...

Harry Potter Gryffindor Throw Pattern

I really do have the sweetest Hubby in the world, don't I? 😊  Thank you sweetheart, it was a wonderful surprise x

I hope your weekend has lots of smiles in it honeys and that you're seeing lots of lovely summer sunshine.  Whatever you're doing this weekend, have fun, smile lots and hug even more. Till next time dear ones, huggles always xx


  1. A blanket is such a thoughtful gift. My brother got me one for my birthday last week. When someone buys you a blanket they want you to be cosy, and what's lovelier than that? xxx

    1. Leah! I'm so sorry angel x I hadn't seen this comment till today. It slipped past me, I'm so sorry dear wee friend. Thank you x You're so right though, a lovely blanket is so much more than a blanket, it's a wish for us to be safe, to be happy, comfy and warm. If that's not a show of love I don't know what is :) Thank you so much for visiting dear one and I'm so sorry I missed your lovely comment, huggles always xxx
