Friday 14 October 2022

Keeping Furbabies Safe From The Effects Of Fireworks๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’–

Hi Honeys, 

Well, it's started.  Tonight we heard the first of what will no doubt turn our normally very quiet little street into something resembling a war zone over the next few weeks.๐Ÿ˜ž I hate this time of year, I truly do. 

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot...

Please care for furbabies and keep them safe honeys

We're now counting down to November 5th honeys.  Bonfire night.  When bonfires are lit around the UK and fireworks are set off to celebrate the failure of the gunpowder plot to kill King James 1st of England (he was also King James 6th of Scotland) as well as the British government by setting off explosives under the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament on 5th November 1605.

Every year it begins and goes on and on to torment the life out of anyone of a nervous disposition but far worse, in my humble opinion (and I am one of those nervous people) more than that is the harm it causes nervous furbabies.

Animals can't cope with the loud explosions and every year they suffer.  It;'s not right honeys it's just not.  

Am I asking to ban fireworks altogether?  Of course not.  What I am saying is that there needs to be greater controls on them.  For weeks we have them going off completely unexpectedly, randomly.  They're incredibly loud and it's impossible to relax.  At all. for weeks.  Even during the night, when we do manage to get to sleep, we'll be woken again with them being set off at 1, 2 or 3am. 

When I was a child (yes, yes, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth๐Ÿ˜Š) local councils would organise official fireworks displays and a huge bonfire.  It was one night, 5th November, and it was done for the year.  Oh for a return to those wonderful days, honeys.    

Protect your furbabies...

The sale of fireworks is restricted of course but from the minute they do go on sale it's a free for all dear ones.  If it's already started where you live honeys, you'll know what I mean.  All we can do, is to do our best to protect our furbabies.  

Our furbaby Jade is a nervous wee angel on her best days so really we just do more of what we do all year long anyway๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’– Maybe they might help your furbaby too honeys? 

* It gets darker earlier in the evenings now anyway so why not close the curtains as soon as it does? furbabies won't see the flashes of the fireworks and the curtains might help the noise (we have very heavy, lined curtains for this time of year for that reason)

* The sofa/couch is Jade's favourite place, snuggled next to her Mum๐Ÿ’–so all through winter we have a heavy, very snuggly throw always nearby.  During the day it's kept folded in a basket at the side of the sofa, but at night Jade will be found snuggled under it, next to Mum. I don't know if it's the weight or just being hidden under the throw but it seems to make Jade feel safe.      

* We bought Jade one of those round, very soft doughnut shaped "anxiety" beds and she loves it.  Other than on the sofa with me, it's her go-to place to nap. When she settles in for a nap I cover her with one of her throws.  I wasn't convinced with the ads for these beds but Jade does love hers.  Only complaint I have through is that they're not comfortable on their own.  They need a thick, folded blanket or something under it, even if you have carpet down because they go very flat and I don't think would be comfortable on their own.  

* Jade has three Thundershirts, so she always has one available when the others might be washed etc.  This does help honeys, but it didn't work overnight, but she does seem more settled when she has it on.  Maybe she's just gotten used to having it?  Like a comfort blankie?  Whatever the reason, we're very grateful.๐Ÿ’–

* Being very aware, and not straying too far from our home for Jade's walkies.  Our baby will be thirteen in March so she doesn't tend to walk as far now but when fireworks go off, she heads straight back home with her Daddy right next to her.  We joke that Jade walks her Dad, but she really does.  They go out for their walk and she'll let him know where they're going and when it's time to head home.

* On bonfire night itself, no matter what night of the week it falls on, Hubby makes sure he's home, leaving work early if he has to. Jade has her evening walk before it goes dark, then she's let outside again whenever there's a lull in the noise around bedtime. Sometimes this is very (very) late.  The time between walks is usually spent hiding under the heavy throw on the sofa.  Of course she'll go out into the garden if she needs to go out, but never (ever) on her own. 

* If your furbaby appears distressed honeys, cover them with a blanket, something to make them feel as if they're hidden from danger, stay with them, they should never be left alone and have the TV or radio on to help hide the noise.  Sending hugs to fellow furbaby parents and their furbabies and wishing for a lot of rain to wash out those noisy fireworks.  Sorry, not sorry. I'm ok being a spoilsport if it keeps furbabies safe.๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’– 


 Some great articles with lots of tips and hints honeys x

How To Keep Your Pets Safe During Fireworks from RSPCA 

Over to you honeys, do you have any hints or tips to keep furbabies safe during noisy fireworks?  If so, please share in the comments below.  Thank you for keeping me company.  Till next time dear ones, hugs always x
Hugs always, Rosie xx

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