Monday 4 October 2021

Blogtober Day 4: Home-Made Potato Wedges - The Perfect Comfort Food 💖

Disclaimer: I haven't been paid to recommend any products or stores, apple slicers are available in lots of different shops and I'm sure they probably all help make great potato wedges x  

 Hi Honeys, 

It's still raining, arthritis is still trying to twist me into a human pretzel, temperatures are starting to drop and what's needed is definitely some yummy comfort food 😋 

Why not one of my absolute favourites?  Delicious, homemade potato wedges.  Not just potato wedges though, why not add your favourite coating too?  I like to coat ours in lots of garlic and Italian herbs and serve them with a huge, crunchy salad, a sprinkle of grated cheese and a little side of ranch sauce for dipping 😋  

Or, why not treat the family to a mock take away by serving these too yummy wedges with a huge platter of roast chicken portions or homemade pizza or burgers?   By making the family's favourite "take away" meal at home, we get to be in charge of what's in it.  

Air fry the chicken instead of the deep fried version.  Use reduced fat minced beef mixed with finely chopped onions and shaped into patties to make homemade burgers.  Cook them in the oven or in the air fryer instead of frying.  

Super Easy Homemade Potato Wedges - The Perfect Comfort Food

However you serve them, with your favourite (home made version) take away food or on their own as a "make-the-day-better" treat, they'll be a hit for sure!  

OK, to the kitchen honeys, let's grab our aprons and set to making some yummy wedges...   

Let's assemble what we need:

Clean potatoes: 

I usually use 4-5 medium sized potatoes and that's more than enough for dinner for hubby & with enough left over for him to take to work for lunch  next day 💖

Olive oil:

Needed to add to the coating and mix, before drizzling over our wedges .

Coating: This is totally up to you honeys.  Our favourite is garlic and Italian herbs, so I only have to head to our spice rack for our ever present jar of Italian herbs and then I'll use whatever form of garlic I have on hand.  I've used garlic powder from our spice rack, I've used frozen garlic kept in case needed in our freezer, whatever we have.  Why not experiment till you find your favourite coating?  


1. Fetch your potatoes honeys.  Make sure your potatoes are washed and dried.  It's much safer to use an apple slicer on dry potatoes because they're less likely to slide about.  Don't peel them, peeling potatoes strips them of all of that nutritional goodness in their skin.  

2. Now we'll use an apple slicer honeys, they're great for cutting the perfect potato wedges and you probably have one in the utensils drawer, if not, very carefully cut your potatoes in half, then half again, then each piece in half again and you should have wedges.  

An apple slicer just makes the whole process so much easier and they're very cheap, you'll find one in Pound/Dollar stores or at the supermarket.  This is the one we have, I think it might have been from Ikea.        

Super Easy Homemade Potato Wedges - I use an apple slicer to make cutting the wedges super easy :-)

3. As you cut your potatoes, place them into a pot of cold water.  When you've cut all the potatoes you need, drain the water from the pot and rinse them under the cold tap until most of the starchy residue that turns the water a little cloudy has gone.  Add fresh cold water until the potatoes are covered in the pot and place on a medium heat.  

4. Par-boil the potatoes - boil them for around 12-15 minutes till they are partially cooked.  We don't want them to be soft honeys, only about half way cooked.

5. Very carefully drain the hot water from the pot and place to one side to cool a little.  

6. While the potatoes are cooling, fetch your olive oil, your choice of coating, a large bowl and an oven tray to roast the wedges on.  Pre-heat your oven to 180C (160C for fan oven) or 350F or gas mark 4. 

7. Into a small container or cup, add your olive oil. You'll only need enough to gently coat each potato wedge, so maybe 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil for 4-5 medium potatoes.  Adjust the amount as needed honeys. Next add your choice of seasoning/coating to the oil and mix well.

For 4-5 medium potatoes I usually use 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of Italian herbs and garlic powder.  

8. Gently place the wedges into the bowl and drizzle the olive oil and seasoning mix over them.     

9. Using your hands (or if you're like me and can't bear having anything on your hands - use a spoon or spatula or even better, enlist the help of a nearby person) to gently turn the wedges in the bowl until they're all coated in the oil mixture. 

Super Easy Homemade Potato Wedges - Having par boiled your wedges for around 10 minutes, place them into a bowl and sprinkle on your oil and coating.

10. When this is done, lay the wedges in a single layer on an oven sheet (I use a flat cookie sheet/ oven tray) and carefully place your wedges into the pre-heated oven until golden brown and soft all the way through... 

Super Easy Homemade Potato Wedges - Enjoy your wedges honeys x

11. Share with loved ones and await praise and lots of hugs and compliments 💖

My favourite way to enjoy these yummy wedges is with a huge, crispy salad, with a sprinkle of grated cheddar cheese on top and a little dish of ranch to dip the wedges :-) Yummmm! 😋  

Super Easy Homemade Potato Wedges - My favourite way to enjoy these yummy wedges is with a huge, crispy salad, with a sprinkle on top of cheddar cheese and a little dish of ranch to dip the wedges :-)

You could though, as I said earlier, treat yourself or the whole family to a far healthier, homemade, version of a favourite take-away by teaming these too-yummy-for-words wedges with a huge platter of roast chicken portions or homemade pizza? 

Enjoy honeys!  

See you tomorrow for day five of Blogtober 💝 Till then dear ones, stay safe, hugs always xx

Huggles Always, Rosie xx

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