Wednesday 13 October 2021

Blogtober Day 13: What do you do when you're having one of "those" days?

 Hi Honeys, 

I've been having one of those days.  It's been... well, it's been eventful.😊  First off, Hubby was in the office today working and so Jade and I were all alone all day.  I think, no, I know, we've both gotten so used to him being home, even though he's in his den/office upstairs all day, he's still there.  Know what I mean honeys?  That alone, Hubby not being there, starts my day off "wrong." 😊

The Scottish schools are all back properly now (as far as I know) so the street was so, so quiet all day.  Around 7am Hubby went to work, having already taken Jade out for her morning walk.  Jade hopped up onto the bed and settled down for a nap when she was snuggled under her blankets, and I put a dvd on to pass the time till our furbaby woke up and wanted to go downstairs. We're staff around here, and wouldn't have it any other way, our baby is loved💖

When Jade woke up nearly two hours later, I was still watching a series three episode of Wellington Paranormal (the dvd arrived yesterday) Jade snuggled next to me and hugged me for the last ten minutes or so of the episode and then climbed down off the bed when I asked her if she wanted to go downstairs and get her yogurt (she has her natural, plain yogurt each day💖)  Now, this is where things got eventful honeys. 

Blogtober Day 13: It's been one of those days honeys..

Sparks and trying to avoid zaps...

I switched off the TV and dvd player (I know, we're old school... or just old 😊) then I leaned over to pull my tablet charger out of the extension bar thing it was plugged into.  Then it happened.  The charger came apart, right in my hand!  It was still firmly plugged into the mains bar but had no cover over it! 

Now, of course, normally I would step (way) back from the electric thing and yell for Hubby 😊  Pathetic I know but electricity doesn't like me. If anything is going to fizz, spark or go bang, electricity wise, it's always been sure to wait for me to be close by 😲  

In my early teens, (yes, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth lol) I was asked to go make tea. I was the oldest child, in a Scottish household that made making tea my job.  As well as being the remote for the TV.😊  No, we didn't have remote controlled TVs then either.  They had big "clunky" knobs that you turned to change channels (such choice too, all three of them - TV was still better back then though) and big valves in the back that had to be changed now and again.  

I digress.  So, teenage Rosie headed off into the kitchen to switch the kettle on.  Now, back then, we didn't have electric kettles that sat on the bit that powered it (don't you love my technical expertise honeys lol) like a base bit the kettle sits on?  Nope, we had a thick-ish cable that plugged into the wall and then you got the big, round fitting on the other end and pushed it into the back of the kettle.

So I picked up the round fitting and pushed it into the kettle not knowing the socket on the wall was switched on. Which actually might have been fine if there hadn't been a crack in the plastic covering the fitting that went into the kettle. 

Oh No!! 😲

Long story short, I got an electric shock that might have killed me (the Doctor said I was very lucky) if I hadn't had a guardian angel watching over me.  I'm convinced that's what it was, and that I still have that wonderful angel because the things that happen to me! Well, I must have been thrown away from the kettle because all I remember was a horrible (never want to feel that again!) feeling running up my arm and most of me hitting the cooker behind me (ouchie by the way.) 

Ever since then, I swear I'm in one of the Final Destination movies.  If anything electric wants to blow up, pop, light bulbs explode (those "fire glow" bulbs inside electric fires really like to wait for me and trip the fuse when they literally explode) or give anybody a "sleekit wee zap" guess who it waits for? 

No way was I dealing with that charger honeys. Nope. Not even.  However, as much as I wanted to grab Jade and run in the opposite direction (knees to chest! Knees to chest! RUN!!! 😊 as if I can run! With my poor wee spine? Oh dear. At least I could make sure our baby is out of the room)  

Well, I couldn't just go downstairs and leave it with power charging through it all day until Hubby got home so I had to at least switch the power socket off. That meant I had to pull my bedside cabinet away from the wall a little, avoiding the live electric thing sitting in the power extension bar on said bedside cabinet (which is very heavy.) 

Another long story short (lol) I couldn't move it on my own so had to sort of (try to) force my arm down the back to try to switch the power off at the wall socket.  You can imagine how much I wanted to do that. Not!  Well, it was that or spend all day waiting for the house to burst into flames.  I have a very active imagination honeys. It can torment me.😞  Especially with loved ones.  Hubby can be 20 minutes late home from work and I have all kinds of awful scenarios in my head.  Too many scary movies as a child.😊 Nope, that wall socket had to be switched off. 

I managed it, only just, but after knocking over my lamp and pen pot (I don't sleep a lot and sometimes do puzzles.)  I then headed downstairs with Jade in search of my cuppa of choice (hot water with lovely sliced lemon) which I definitely needed to settle my nerves.  

Rest Of The Day

The rest of the day was spent putting a new first aid kit together, taking photos of it to share with you honeys in a post and later this afternoon, I noticed my inner arm is all bruises where I had to reach down the back of the bedside table.😳  Could be worse I suppose. I tend to bruise far too easily, always have. I was told once, many years ago, that I basically bruise when the wind changes direction and I get caught in a breeze.😊 

So honeys, how's your day been?  What's left of me will be back tomorrow, bruised but not zapped (hopefully! That feels a bit like tempting fate!😶) Till then, stay warm and safe, hugs always xx

Hugs always, Rosie x

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