Friday, 1 October 2021

Blogtober 2021: Day 1 and only 170 days till spring 😊

Hi Honeys,

Welcome to Blogtober 😊  It's that time again, and I so can't wait!  Blogtober is where we challenge ourselves to write and publish 31 posts in 31 days.  Along the way we'll (hopefully) meet some fellow creators and maybe make some new blogging/vlogging friends 💖

Welcome to Blogtober day one, let's have some fun honeys...

Among this months posts I'm hoping to share a couple of my kitchen experiments (where's the fun in recipes lol) maybe some crafting, a few books I'm enjoying, an Ikea haul (or two) and, I hope, a few smiles too 😊 

So honeys, this has been a dreadful year, it's the start of a brand new month, the rain has (finally!!) stopped (for now, anyways) and there are only 170 days till spring 😊  Let's make some smiles 😊😘

Welcome to Blogtober day one, make a wish honeys, it's a double rainbow x

Is anyone else doing Blogtember this year? If you are, please leave me a link to your blog, vlog, instagram or youtube channel?  I'd love to visit and say hello x

See you tomorrow for day two, where I can't wait to share the teeniest, tiniest, most adorable, yoga set! Till then dear ones, hugs always and smiles forever x

Huggles Always, Rosie xx

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