Saturday 21 December 2019

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House Will You Be Sorted Into...

Disclaimer: I haven't been paid to promote this mug or the store it came from.  It's a gift from Hubby (thank you sweetheart x) and I was so excited I had to share x

Hi Honeys,
How are you today?  Only a few days till Christmas and, as of today, exactly 13 weeks till spring 🌼  I can't wait! Winter pulls all of the life out of me dear ones.  I dread it all year long, feeling every minute of every cold, damp, awful day and constantly counting down till it's spring again and I can watch the garden begin to wake up and burst into life.

Hubby surprised me with a gift and I love it so much I wanted to share 😍  It's a sort of magic mug I suppose because when it's filled with your favourite cuppa, for me a lovely hot chocolate in this weather more often than not, it magically transforms itself!

In a transformation worthy of Hogwarts itself, the heat from your favourite beverage changes the outside of the mug... sorting you into one of the Hogwarts houses... 

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

So, here it is then honeys.  The Harry Potter heat changing mug from Primark.  I'm not sure if anywhere else has them but that's where Hubby got this one (I asked him.)

It's in a cardboard box with the newer grey and gold Wizarding World packaging seen almost everywhere now that's replaced the older blue packaging...

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

The side of the box shows the four Hogwarts House designs available...the design on the mug of course depends on which House the mug sorts the owner into...

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

On opening the box, the mug inside is safely wrapped in tissue paper...

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

I liked the tissue paper honeys, it made it feel more special and it is after all a gift from Hubby πŸ’–

When the mug is removed from the box, it has on one side in large letters "Which House will you be sorted into?" with the Hogwarts shield underneath..

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

The rest of the mug is plain black in colour with no pattern...

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

On the bottom of the mug is the Harry Potter logo and copyright information..

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

It's only when a hot drink is added (in the photos below it was a lovely warm cup of tea ☕) that the magic happens...

The background (at least on this magical mug 😊) transforms from a plain black pattern-less mug into...

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

A lovely, bright, green checked pattern.  It's Slytherin honeys!!! Ha! Take that Pottermore!!  I've tried so (too) many times to be sorted into Slytherin but Pottermore is quite determined and keeps sorting me into Gryffindor!

The cheek!  The nerve!! I only went to see the first movie because I did, do and will forever adore Mr RickmanπŸ’–  I'm in Slytherin I tell you!! <stamps little foot!> hee hee πŸ˜„

Back to the magical mug then honeys ☕😊

On the reverse of the mug this happens..

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

While in the middle, or is it on the side of the mug?  The bit that's directly opposite the handle?  The bit of the mug that's between the front and the back?  Well, whatever bit of the mug it is lol this happens...

Harry Potter Heat Change Mug - Which House will you be sorted into?

I know it's silly to be this excited about a little mug but it was such a lovely surprise and it did sort me into Slytherin finally.  Even the lovely little talking sorting hat key ring (a gift from a dear friend Sarah, thank you honey x) which is an actual sorting hat only tiny 😊 sorted me into... you guessed it Gryffindor!! Arrrgggg!!! It's a conspiracy!!

The tiny sorting hat did redeem itself  though by sorting our furbaby Jade into Ravenclaw.  I wasn't in the least surprised because our baby is very, very smart and she did look beyond adorable with the tiny hat perched on top of her head πŸ’–

I was really pleased honeys, right up to when Hubby told me it'd taken him a while to find a Slytherin one!  Cue wee Rosie deflating like a leaky balloon πŸ˜–  Apparently, according to Hubby if you hold the mug at the right angle, the light sort of bounces off it and you can see which House it is.

<sighs> oh well.  It was lovely to be sorted into Slytherin while it lasted πŸ˜„

Over to you honeys, have you had any surprise gifts yet that have made you smile?  Whatever you're doing this week, I hope you have the best time ever. 

Till next time dear ones, smile lots and hug even more, hugs always xx

Hugs always, Rosie xx 

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