Tuesday 1 October 2019

It's October! Time For Blogtober 2019 πŸŽƒ

Hi Honeys,
Well, here we are, it's the first of October. It's getting colder, the days are getting shorter and I'm starting to think about adding Hubby's favourite spinach & ricotta cannelloni and soups and roast potatoes and all kinds of lovely warming dinners to our meal rotation.

I'm not a fan of the colder months of the year, I'm really not, but short of finding a way to hibernate I'm stuck with it 😊  So, I might as well pull on an extra cardigan and try to have fun for the next 170 days until we finally reach my favourite season of the year... spring 😊🌷🌹🌸🌼🌺🌻

Imagine how happy I am then, in my "oh no, summer's gone" mood, to discover Blogtober 2019!

Blogtober 2019 Day One...

Link ups are such fun honeys and a fabulous way to meet other bloggers and make new blogging friends.  I've previously absolutely loved being a part of four other large link ups.  There was Blogtember 2014 (my very first year of blogging) Blogtember 2015 and Blogtember 2016, all organised by the lovely Bailey Jean who used to blog at Brave Love Blog which sadly no longer exists.  She now has a blog at Love Bailey Jean but hasn't updated it since last December. I do hope she blogs again, I miss her.   

In the Picture Perfect Project 2016 link up, I blogged once a month for a whole year, following the changes in our much loved garden πŸ’–  The Picture Perfect Project was designed to encourage bloggers to practice and increase their photography skills and I so love being able to look back at a year in the life of our garden.  Such precious memories of taking all of those photographs, even the sad parts, like the loss of our gorgeous sycamore trees πŸ’”

All of these link ups really were such fun and I can't wait to see what everyone else is blogging about all through October and hopefully make some new blogging buddies too πŸ’–

A month of blogging every day might also help me to get back into the rhythm of blogging regularly too honeys.  I have struggled this year with health issues and my poor blog has suffered because of it.  I adore blogging, other than my two shifts a week at work and the occasional doctors/hospital appointment, I rarely leave our home now.  My little blog is my connection with the outside world and it's so important to me.

Onward then to a month of writing, fun, smiles and happy memories πŸ’– I hope to post each day in October, I don't know if I'll be able to keep up but I'll certainly try 😊

Are you taking part in Blogtober?  Do you use Twitter?  If so, you can follow all of the wonderful bloggers taking part by searching the hashtag #Blogtober2019.

See you tomorrow for an Ikea haul honeys, till then, stay warm, smile lots and hug even more πŸ’–Hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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