Thursday 22 August 2019

Super Easy, Super Yummy Cheesy Mashed Potato...

Hi Honeys,
How are you?  Well it's been quite a fortnight here 😊  Hubby and I have both been on hols from work and we've spent our "stay-cation" decluttering our home and working on little organising tasks.  It's been so much fun creating order in the bedrooms upstairs.  We're no where near finished but the bedrooms feel so much lighter and roomy already. 

We spent yesterday dashing between charity shops, five huge bags to our favourite local shop, a little bedside table to another (our local store doesn't accept furniture so it was off to their sorting centre) and off to Oxfam with a bag full of VHS movies and TV series we found. So much better than their going to landfill and it helps raise much needed funds too.

Well, the rest of a very rainy yesterday afternoon was spent on a trip to Ikea, my happy place 😃  There was so much to see because I hadn't been there in so long and I took so, so many photos, which I'll share honeys I promise.

Today though I thought I'd share one of our favourite side dishes 😋   

Super Easy, Super Yummy Cheesy Mashed Potato...

Oh my! Even seeing this photo makes me want to go make up a batch 😊  What can possibly be better than a huge pot full of the lightest, fluffiest, creamiest mashed potato?  Well, a huge pot full of the  lightest, fluffiest, creamiest mashed potato with lots of yummy cheese all "marbled" through it of course 😊  There's not enough yum in the world to sum up creamy, cheesy mash 😍

Why not go grab a cuppa (and maybe a cookie) and meet me back here in a few minutes and I'll share the quickest, easiest, cheesiest mashed potato you'll ever make 😊  See you in a few minutes...

Welcome back dear ones 💗  Do you have your cuppa?  Cool, me too ☕  Off to the kitchen we go then...

Rosie's Super Easy, Super Yummy, Cheesy Mashed Potato


(will serve 4)

Approx 5-6 large potatoes
A generous splash of full cream milk (or you can use a little cream if you prefer)
A knob of butter or margarine (approx a tablespoon) 
130g of grated cheese (I like to use a 50/50 of Scottish Cheddar (of course) and Red Leicester but use your fave honeys)

Optional:  Salt and pepper to taste and other extras which we'll get to later...


1. Wash, peel and roughly quarter your potatoes. 

2. Place them into a saucepan in cold water with a pinch of salt.  Put a lid on the pan and place it onto a medium high heat for 20-25 mins.  Check occasionally to make sure the water isn't getting too low in the saucepan.  The potatoes are ready when a knife can pierce them easily.

3. Very carefully remove the saucepan from the heat and drain the water out of the pan.  Sit the saucepan on a heat resistant, safe surface.  Add your butter/margarine and use a potato "masher" to mash the butter/margarine through the potatoes.  If you don't have a masher you could use a food processor or hand mixer I think but I've always used a trusty masher honeys, as you can see... 

Super Easy, Super Yummy Cheesy Mashed Potato: Perfect, light, fluffy mashed potato made by adding milk and butter...

4. Add your milk or cream now, but only a little at a time.  and stir really well with a wooden spoon between each splash of milk.  Remember: we can't take any back out once it's in there and you don't want runny potatoes, just lighter than air, fluffy ones 💗       

5.  Add your grated cheese to the still very warm but now also lovely and creamy, fluffy mashed potatoes...

Super Easy, Super Yummy Cheesy Mashed Potato: Made by adding cheese to your light, fluffy mashed potato and fold through until combined...

6.  Fold or stir through with a wooden spoon until the cheese is all combined...
Super Easy, Super Yummy Cheesy Mashed Potato: light as a feather and extra delicious...

7. Serve immediately and await smiles and hugs from loved ones as they discover their new favourite side with dinner 💖

Optional Extras:

Why not stir through a little Italian seasoning from the spice rack? 

Or some chopped bacon bits, done in the oven. 

Or add a little sprinkle of chilli powder? 

Or a favourite of Hubby's is to roughly chop spring onions (or scallions to our cousins across the pond, or as we call them in Scotland, sybies pronounced "sigh-bees") and mix through the lovely warm, fluffy, cheesy mash 😋

This is a real favourite in our home honeys, it takes almost no time to make, it freezes well, just take out of the freezer the night before you want to eat it (pop into the fridge) microwave on high and give a good stir and you have perfect, fluffy mash again. 

Are you as big a fan of cheesy mash as we are?  Do you add any extras to your cheesy mash?  Why not share in the comments section?  I'm always looking for new ideas to try.

I hope you're having the best week honeys.  It's been wall to wall rain all week here and doesn't look as if it's going to change anytime soon.  I hope you have better weather than we do ☔

Whatever you're doing, have fun, smile lots and hug even more 💗  Till next time dear ones, hugs always x

Hugs always, Rosie xx

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