Friday 29 March 2019

How The Sweetest Little Wizard Has Kept Me Smiling All Week...

Disclaimer:  I haven't been paid to promote any products or stores, I just wanted to share the sweetest surprise early Easter gift from a dear friend x

Hi Honeys, 
How are you?  I hope your week has been fabulous and that you're looking forward to a wonderful weekend ahead. In the UK the clocks change this weekend, the mornings are already getting lighter and even a little bit sunnier ☼  It's such a joy to wake up and see the sun shining outside 😊 

It hasn't been the best week honeys, not a bad week or anything, but my arthritis has been trying to turn me into a human pretzel, or at least that's what it feels like 😖  It is what it is dear ones and, like all Spoonies, I try to put my best smile on and get on with things 😊  There are times when being downright stubborn can actually be helpful 😊

In spite of the creaky, painful joints though, I've had the sweetest little guy helping to keep me smiling all week 😄  Last weekend I was given the sweetest, most adorable gift by a dear friend at work.  He is the cutest little garden gnome, dressed as a wizard. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him honeys 💖 and he's the perfect wee friend for my much loved and equally as adorable Harry Potter themed meerkat, as you can see... 

Introducing Albus Gnome and Harry Meerkat

Aren't they both perfect honeys?  Let's take a closer look will we?

Firstly, dear little Albus, because, of course, that's what I've named him 💖

Albus Gnome is the sweetest addition to our home decor and the loveliest, sweetest gift.

He's wearing beautiful robes, in shades of blue with the prettiest pattern along the bottom and little gold stars down the front.  He has a wizards hat also in blue, he's holding a crystal ball in one hand and is also wearing adorable little glasses.

This immediately reminded me of Professor Dumbledore looking over the top of his glasses at Harry in the great hall, when he applauded his being sorted into Gryffindor House, so how could I name him anything other than Albus, in honour of the great Professor himself?   If you'd like to find a little wizard gnome of your own honeys he's in Asda, as part of their gnome line for summer.

The little meerkat, dressed in his Gryffindor uniform and robes, complete with his wand and book of spells, I bought some time ago online from Studio, the card and gifts catalogue.  He was made by a company called Vivid Arts, whose website you can find here.   This particular little Gryffindor meerkat though can be found on Amazon as well as in lots of garden centres too.   

Harry Meerkat is adorable with his wand, wizarding robes and little spellbook

Of course I named him Harry Meerkat, what else? 💖

He's just adorable and the attention to detail is wonderful too.  He even has his little tail peeping out from under his wizarding robes...

Harry Meerkat is adorable with his wand, wizarding robes and little spellbook

I think these two are perfect together and I can't look at either of them without smiling 😃

Albus Gnome and Harry Meerkat are adorable and always make me smile :)

I've been moving them around to try to find the perfect home for them, but so far they've mostly been sitting on the coffee table in our living room, one either side of the little basket that stores the remote controls,  making me smile 😊

I'm thinking of devoting a shelf upstairs, facing our book nook, to them.  Possibly with some other Potter memorabilia, like my cauldron shaped mug, to keep them company 💗    

I can't help it honeys, I'm sitting here typing this and smiling happily, they're both just too adorable!  Dear little Albus was such a lovely surprise and I just love him 💖

Have a wonderful weekend dear ones, fill every minute with smiles and never miss a chance to share a hug.  Till next time, hugs always xx

Hugs always, Rosie xx 

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