Saturday 9 March 2019

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins...

Hi Honeys,
I'm sorry I've been missing, I'm still battling my don't-seem-to-want-to-hold-a-charge-for-very-long body batteries but I'm still enjoying my morning yoga, the garden is starting to wake from it's long winter nap and summer is on its way, how could I not be smiling 😃 

I've been experimenting in the kitchen again honeys 😊  Since it's been raining all day today, and since Hubby has a long, busy commute home, I wanted to make something nice for dinner and this happened... 

Extra cheesey, extra yummy egg muffins - super easy to make and extra yummy to eat.

I love mixing and matching and creating things in the kitchen honeys, don't you?

Recently, I was in the kitchen looking for inspiration for dinner that evening.  Nothing in the fridge or freezer was "jumping at me" 😊  It's not just me is it?  I often wander into the kitchen in search of some ideas for that evening's dinner.  Opening the fridge and just staring, waiting for something, some notion to jump out and.. that'll be dinner 😄

You might remember I had a really bad tummy bug over New Year?  There's not enough yuk in the world for how I felt, well, a little over three weeks later when I started to feel human again (horrible bug, not a fun way to spend the holidays honeys, really) I decided that one of my new years resolutions was to take more care of my health.

Living with long term health conditions can wear a person down honeys, they have me.  I think somewhere along the line it all got too much and I think I just gave up.  I know, I keep saying we can't give in, we can't let illness win but it did... for a while anyway.

This year, and after talking it over with Hubby of course... well, I'm not going to cook separate dinners for us both every day that would be silly, not to mention a whole lot more cooking, well, I decided I would try, as best as I could, to adopt the Mediterranean diet.

Having taken that decision, detective work was done by reading as much as I could, shopping lists were made and just like that we're eating oily fish, such as tuna steaks, at least twice a week, and our diet is so full of beautiful colours! The bright, vivid reds, yellows, green and oranges of the peppers, the lush green of the broccoli and spinach.  Yep, I said it, I love spinach 😊

So, onto these beyond delicious muffins then honeys.  I do love muffins, do you?  Till now though I've always made fruit muffins using berries or bananas but having made these savoury egg muffins I'm in love!  Seriously, if you make these once they'll turn into a family favourite for sure.  Hubby's already said he'd like them again, and wouldn't say no to finding a couple in his lunchbox with a salad in place of his usual baked potato... success! 😊

Why not grab a cuppa and maybe a cookie and meet me back here in a few minutes and we'll make some scrumptious cheesy muffins?

Welcome back 😃  Ready to make something fabulous?  Let's go...

Egg-stra Yummy Cheesy Egg Muffins


(makes 6) 

1 ball of Mozzarella Cheese (I used the "light" variety) - drained.
5-6 eggs depending on size
Spring onions/scallions
Grated cheddar cheese for topping
Salt & pepper to taste


1.  Pre-heat oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 (just a little lower if using a fan oven.)  Next, fetch a muffin pan and place to one side.  If, like mine, your muffin tray is made of silicone, place it onto a flat baking tray (like a cookie sheet) to keep it stable.

2. Drain and chop the ball of mozzarella cheese into small pieces, small enough to fit inside the "cups" of the muffin tray.  One pack or ball of mozzarella was more than enough for 6 muffins, if you're using a larger muffin tray just increase your ingredientshoneys.

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... drain and chop the mozzarella ball into small enough pieces to fit into the muffin tray spaces.

3. Divide the mozzarella pieces between the six "cups" or more if you're using a larger muffin tray.

4.  Next take 3-4 spring onions (or scallions to our USA cousins, while in Scotland we call them "sybies" pronounced "sigh-bees") wash them and then roughly chop and again divide the pieces between the muffin tray cups.   

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... roughly chop the spring onions (or scallions) into small enough pieces to fit into the muffin tray spaces then add them to the already added mozzarella pieces.

5. Beat the eggs together in a bowl and carefully pour the mixture into the muffin tray cups covering the mozzarella and spring onions/scallions.

6. Finally, sprinkle a little grated cheese on top before baking.  I used Scottish Cheddar but why not use your favourite?  Red Leicester is lovely too, choose your favourite honeys.

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... beat the eggs in a bowl and then carefully pour into the muffin tray cups, completely covering the mozzarella and spring onions/scallions.  Finally top with a little grated cheese before baking.

7.Carefully place the muffin tray onto the middle shelf in the pre-heated oven and bake for 18-20 minutes.  I set my timer for 18 minutes and they were perfectly done but it will depend on your oven.  You'll know they are done when the egg is completely cooked through.  Never be tempted to eat under cooked eggs honeys.

8. Carefully remove the muffin tray from the oven when your egg muffins are done and place the tray onto a cooling rack. Allow them to cool in the muffin tray.  Either eat warm or allow to cool and place into a container in the fridge.  They're perfect as a snack or to serve with steamed vegetables or a green crunchy salad.

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... Your yummy egg muffins can be served warm from the oven as a scrumptious snack or cool with a crunchy green salad... enjoy!

Don't they look delicious honeys?  I was so pleased at how these little muffins turned out this time 😋

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... Your yummy egg muffins can be served warm from the oven as a scrumptious snack or cool with a crunchy green salad... enjoy!

They seemed to hold their shape. Certainly better than my first attempt (more about that in a minute)  and when you cut into them with a knife, because of the cheese they were very gooey...

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... These mozzarella & onion filled egg muffins were delicious and because of the cheese were extra gooey too.  Perfect to be served warm from the oven as a scrumptious snack or cool with a crunchy green salad... enjoy!

Didn't you say you were trying to eat healthily Rosie?  I hear you ask, well yes dear ones I am.  For quite some time (even before we started changing over our diets after new year) we've been actively looking for the healthier options of our favourite foods.

When we buy yogurts, a staple in our house, they are fat free and low in sugar, with everything else we always check the labels in case of any sneaky added sugar.  It's amazing what you can discover by reading the labels on your food.  Did you know that if you buy the "light" mozzarella cheese it can be anything up to a third less fat!  That's a big difference and it means we can still continue to eat healthily while also still enjoying our favourite foods.

Now, I mentioned my first attempt at making these delicious little egg muffins, well here they are...

Egg-stra Yummy, Cheesey Egg Muffins... My first attempt making egg muffins I filled them with mixed, sliced peppers and a little piece of cheese. They were delicious and next time I might add a little spinach too.  Perfect to be served warm from the oven as a scrumptious snack or cool with a crunchy green salad... enjoy!

I had made them exactly as the directions above except in this case I filled them with lovely sliced mixed bell peppers and a little piece of cheese.  Yummmmm! Again they were perfect served both warm or cold with a crunchy salad and next time I make this mixed pepper variety I think I'll add a little spinach and possibly a tiny pinch of Italian herbs.

 Any thoughts honeys?  Am I late to the party in discovering that muffins can be healthy and more savoury than cake-y?  I've always loved muffins, do you remember my banana muffins?  I'm looking forward to future experiments in finding new ingredients for my egg muffins 😊 

Have a wonderful weekend dear ones, smile lots and hug even more, till next time, hugs xx

Huggles Always, Rosie xx

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