Friday, 3 March 2017

Spring Arrives In The Garden..

Hi Honeys
It's such a gorgeous, sunny day outside today but it's so, so cold today!  Here in the UK we have exactly three weeks from tomorrow night till the clocks roll forward, we lose an hour but (hopefully) we gain warmer days 😊

OK, I know that technically British Summer Time (or BST) begins at 2am on Sunday morning of 26th March (which is also Mother's Day this year) but we always change our clocks before heading to bed so they're at the right time when we wake up

I so can't wait for Spring honeys. Winter feels like it's really dragged on and on this year, even though we haven't had any serious (lasting) snowfall.  What we do have, every year, though is darkness.  So, so much darkness.  In the deepest part of winter here honeys it will become dark by around 3.30pm.  It isn't a gradual darkness, it always (to me anyway) feels very much as though a switch is thrown and pow! Just like that we have complete darkness.

It won't begin to become light again until after 9 or 9.30am.  This means that for around a quarter of the year we live with around 18 hours of darkness each day.  Being a Summer baby, dear ones I'm not made for winter. I need blue skies and fluffy clouds, you know, 
the kind of day where I can sing and happily peg out laundry😃 
Spring Arrives In The Garden

There are already signs of Spring arriving in the garden, due it seems to our having had a milder than expected winter. Let's have a look will we? 
Do you remember our precious peonies beginning to wake early (in January) honeys?  I didn't want the frost to damage them so I covered them in an extra layer of compost to protect them.

They've now begun to make their way through the extra compost again, looking for the sun to help them grow.  There are now seven shoots appearing...

Springtime Peonies Begin To Appear

Every year these gorgeous roses appear and make me smile   I can't wait to see them in bloom again...
Peonies In Bloom

The beautiful pink rose bush, planted in memory of my beloved Gramma, has also started to wake up with reddish leaves starting to grow...
Spring growth on our beloved pink rose bush

Every year I look forward to the burst of colour in our tiny front garden from this established rose bush, now over ten years old. 
Raindrops On Our Beautiful Rose

You can find printables 
here and here honeys. Enjoy x

Last year we went shopping for a rose shrub,  choosing a stunning, scarlet red in colour rose, which we planted in memory of my dear Mother in law.  When we were lucky enough to have her with us we would send Mum roses each year, for her birthday and for her Mothers day.  Pink for her birthday and red roses for her Mothers Day. She adored roses, bless her.

I really didn't expect the tiny rose shrub to have roses in its first year but it did!
Mum's Roses In Their First Year, Spring 2016

Not only did the tiny shrub grow six perfect rose buds, they grew into perfectly beautiful roses...
Mum's Perfect Summer Roses

 You can imagine how excited I was to see these little leaves growing today honeys...
First Tiny Leaves Appear

I can't wait to see them begin to bud again and develop into perfect, beautiful roses 🌹🌹

What about you honeys?  What are you looking forward to with the arrival of Spring?  Stay warm and safe dear ones, winter hasn't gone yet, but hopefully it will soon
😊  I have to go get organized for work now, till next time, smile lots and hug even more, huggles always xx
Huggles always honeys xx

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