Thursday 9 February 2017

Super Easy, 3 Ingredient Valentine's Day Shortbread Cookies

Disclaimer: I haven't been asked to promote any products just sharing one of my favourite yummy recipes.

Hi Honeys
Valentine's Day is on the way so I thought I'd make some super easy (seriously! If these were any easier to make they'd make themselves!) incredibly yummy, shortbread cookies 🍪

Super Easy Super Yummy 3 Ingredient Recipe For Scottish Shortbread Cookies

This is my never-fails, go-to recipe for Scottish Shortbread and it really is as delicious as it is easy to make honeys.  I'm making these for Valentine's Day so, of course, I've cut the shortbread dough into hearts, double hearts and lip shaped cookies using adorable cookie cutters ❤

Super Easy Super Yummy 3 Ingredient Recipe For Scottish Shortbread Cookies

These are perfect to sneak into packed lunches with a little love note ❤ for loved ones or why not make a huge batch for gifting?  Tiny humans will love to help make these too 👶

Let's make some magic shall we?

Super Easy 3 ingredient Shortbread Cookies


350g plain flour - sifted
225g butter - chilled
125g caster sugar

That's it! Only three ingredients...

Super Yummy 3 Ingredient Recipe For Scottish Shortbread


1. First we sift the plain flour into a large bowl, add the caster sugar and stir through to combine.

2. Cut the chilled (straight from the fridge is best honeys) butter into small pieces and add to your mixing bowl.

3. Mix the butter through until your mixture looks like breadcrumbs.  When taught at school how to do this (many years ago) during Home Economics classes, we were taught to combine these ingredients using our hands.  I didn't do icky hands then dear ones and I don't do icky hands now.  In class I used a large wooden spoon and at home I used a tiny electric hand mixer 😃

So, if you're like me and dislike hand ickiness you could instead....     

Sift the plain flour into your food processor, add the caster sugar and the chilled butter cut into small pieces.   Mix until all of your ingredients are combined.  This will take a minute or two at most. Again your dough will resemble breadcrumbs...

Scottish Shortbread Cookies - once combined the ingredients will resemble breadcrumbs

4. Pre-heat the oven to 160C/320F (140C/284F for a fan oven) gas mark 3.

5. Remove a little of your shortbread dough from your bowl or food mixer/processor and place it onto a lightly floured surface.  Press your dough together and lightly roll it, without leaning too heavily on your roller, until your dough is approximately half an inch or one centimetre thick.

6.  Use cookie cutters to cut out your cookies.   

7. Place onto a lightly oiled baking tray and place on the middle shelf of the oven for 12 - 14 minutes or until golden brown. 

8. Carefully remove shortbread cookies from oven and allow to cool. 

Scottish shortbread cookies fresh from the oven

9. Decorate with icing sugar, dip in chocolate and allow to cool, shake caster sugar across the surface or top with freshly whipped cream and berries... ideas are endless 😃

Why not enlist the help of tiny human assistants to help decorate them with icing sugar and lots of sugar sprinkles in lots of different bright colours. You'll have a mess to clean up but your wee ones will have so many happy memories 😃

When I made a batch today I had some fun topping some of the cookies with icing sugar and sliced strawberries...

Shortbread cookies topped with icing sugar & sliced strawberries

I left the rest of the cookies without toppings...

Scottish Shortbread Cookies - Delicious and only 3 ingredients

This shortbread recipe is far too yummy to keep all to yourself and is just perfect for sharing so why not make up extra batches for gifting?  Line a pretty box or gift bag with brightly coloured paper napkins or tissue paper.  Add your shortbread and maybe tie a pretty bow with some ribbon then wait for happy smiles 😃

Note:  If you find your dough becoming too sticky (this can happen through the heat from your hands while rolling and re-rolling) the dough can be saved by placing it onto a piece of cling film.  Wrap tightly and place it into the fridge for around 10-15 minutes to allow the dough to rest and chill and it'll be fine again.

It's also possible to make this recipe ahead of time and freeze until needed.  To freeze, double wrap tightly in cling film to prevent freezer burn or moisture getting in.

Shortbread dough can be frozen for four to six weeks and then defrosted in the fridge overnight

Hopefully you can wrap your shortbread dough better than I can honeys 😊

The shortbread dough will freeze happily for 4 to 6 weeks.  When you want to use it simply remove it and defrost overnight in the fridge.  If it is wrapped tightly into a roll/log shape, then when defrosted you can easily slice into half inch thick circles and then bake into biscuits.  Alternatively just roll out and use your cookie cutters.

Hubby got home and immediately went looking for a cookie tonight, bless him! I'd told him this morning before he left for work that I was going to make them and he does love homemade shortbread 😋

Do you love shortbread as much as my other half does?  Do you have a favourite topping?  Do let me know in the comments below.  These cookies can be made into an extra special treat by adding fresh cream and sliced strawberry on top and drizzling with strawberry syrup. Yummm!

Of course you could also make this recipe as a tray bake, add a layer of caramel followed by a layer of chocolate to make Millionaire Shortbread.  You can find a Scottish school dinner/lunch room version of this here.

I hope you're looking forward to a fabulous weekend honeys. Stay warm, smile lots and hug even more dear ones, till next time,

Huggles Always, Rosie xx


  1. This looks so yum! Thanks for sharing. I'd always wondered how to make shortbread. xxx

    1. Leah! Hello honey x Shortbread has to be the easiest, and yummiest, thing to bake and homemade is so much nicer than shop bought too I think. Sent Hubby off to work with these latest ones to share with his co-workers :) Loved your latest post, thought provoking (stirred a lot of memories in my case) and brilliantly written as always, I know it'll help anyone struggling to cope with a change in their friendships, especially if they see changes and don't really understand why it's happening. Sending heaps of huggles always dear wee friend xxx
